Collage showing the new U S P T O building after construction as well as images of fiscal 2004 U S P T O activities. Image is part of the header for the U S P T O Performance and Accountability Report for Fiscal Year 2004
United States Patent and Trademark Office
Performance and Accountability Report Fiscal Year 2004
Management Discussion and Analysis

Table of Contents |  Management |  Financial |  Supplemental |  Auditor |  IG |  Other


USPTO management is responsible for the fair presentation of information contained in the principal financial statements, in conformity with GAAP, the requirements of OMB Bulletin Number 01-09, and guidance provided by the Department of Commerce. Management is also responsible for the fair presentation of the USPTO's performance measures in accordance with the OMB requirements. The quality of the USPTO's internal control rests with management, as does the responsibility for identifying and complying with pertinent laws and regulations.

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