Collage showing the new U S P T O building after construction as well as images of fiscal 2004 U S P T O activities. Image is part of the header for the U S P T O Performance and Accountability Report for Fiscal Year 2004
United States Patent and Trademark Office
Performance and Accountability Report Fiscal Year 2004
Financial Highlights

Table of Contents |  Management |  Financial |  Supplemental |  Auditor |  IG |  Other

(Dollars in Thousands)
  %  Change
2004 over 2003
September 30,
September 30,
Fund Balance with Treasury 15.2% $ 1,135,268  $   985,586 
Property and Equipment, net 17.0%     137,303      117,365 
Other Assets (49.1)%      24,741 
single underline
single underline
Total Assets 12.7% $ 1,297,312 
double underline
$ 1,151,526 
double underline
Deferred Revenue 15.0% $   579,596  $   504,193 
Accounts Payable  (3.5)%      77,287       80,124 
Accrued Payroll, Benefits, and Leave 10.5%      83,408       75,453 
Other Liabilities  (0.7)%      87,970 
single underline
single underline
Total Liabilities 10.7% $   828,261  $   748,349 
Net Position 16.3%     469,051 
single underline
single underline
Total Liabilities & Net Position 12.7% $ 1,297,312 
double underline
$ 1,151,526 
double underline
Total Program Cost  6.9% $ 1,289,181  $ 1,206,073 
Total Earned Revenue  6.6%  (1,239,023)
single underline
single underline
Net Cost from Operations 14.4% $    50,158 
double underline
$    43,830 
double underline
Budgetary Resources Available for Spending  3.5% $ 1,235,201  $ 1,193,005 
Total Collections, Net 53.5% $    75,314 
double underline
$    49,077 
double underline
Federal Personnel  1.4%       6,816        6,723 
Disbursements by Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT)   -        99%        99%
On-Time Payments to Vendors  1.0%        98%        97%


  Target Actual Met/Not met
Patent first action pendency (months) 20.2 20.2 Met
Patent total pendency (months) 29.8 27.6 Met
Trademark first action pendency (months)  5.4  6.6 Not met
Trademark total pendency (months) 21.6 19.5 Met
Applications managed electronically: Patents 70% 88% Met
Applications managed electronically: Trademarks 80% 98% Met
IP Technical Activities Completed NEW    
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