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Home > National Security & Emergency Management > Policy Planning & Development > National Incident Management System

National Security & Emergency Management

National Incident Management System

The National Incident Management System (NIMS) is our nation's first standardized management approach to incident response. It unifies federal, state, and local lines of government in their actions to respond to any type of homeland security incident, whether a natural disaster or a terrorist attack.

As agencies at all levels of government work toward establishing policies, plans, and procedures to comply with the standards of NIMS, they need the consultation of proven experts in emergency response. The Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE) offers a highly specialized team with vast experience in national security and emergency preparedness.

ORISE is on the forefront of helping several organizations integrate the NIMS requirements into their processes and procedures:

Chemical Stockpile Emergency Preparedness Program (CSEPP)
ORISE is assisting CSEPP in integrating NIMS into its training and exercise components. Our support includes assessing and applying technology that can enhance communication and coordination within CSEPP using NIMS standards, guidelines, and protocols as a model. Two examples include:

Read additional information on our support of CSEPP.

Mobile Joint Information Center
A mobile JIC is a requirement of NIMS. ORISE has developed a needs assessment and components guide that helps officials determine mobile communication response capabilities.

California Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program
As part of our direct operational support to HSEEP, ORISE works with state officials to integrate NIMS throughout the exercise design and execution process. Important NIMS integration activities take place as training opportunities during exercise conferences, seminars, and workshops. These initiatives will aid California in gaining NIMS compliancy as required. Read additional information on our support of HSEEP.

For more information

Andy Page
Director, National Security and Emergency Management Program