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Home > National Security & Emergency Management > Additional Readiness Support > U.S. Department of Energy > Emergency Management Issues Special Interest Group

National Security & Emergency Management

Emergency Management Issues Special Interest Group

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) must ensure that it operations are safe and its employees and members of the public are protected.  Preparing for and responding to emergencies is an integral part of the DOE/National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) mission. Staff at the Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE) have coordinated the Emergency Management Issues Special Interest Group (EMI SIG) for more than 20 years. We provide the infrastructure and experience necessary to:

The focal point of the EMI SIG is its subcommittees, which have been established as vehicles to enhance policy implementation and good practices in key areas.  These subcommittees meet regularly via telephone and video conferences to share information and address concerns.  Outcome from these groups include useful products, position papers, and valuable input to DOE/NNSA on various subjects.

Current focus areas include:


The Exercise and Drill Subcommittee focuses on sharing findings, information, and good practices relevant to effective conduct of emergency response exercises involving DOE/NNSA sites/organizations. The scope of work performed by this subcommittee includes all phases of exercise planning, development, implementation, evaluation, and follow-up.

Protective Actions

The Subcommittee on Consequence Assessment and Protective Actions (SCAPA) provides DOE/NNSA and its contractors with technical information and recommendations for emergency preparedness to assist in safeguarding the health and safety of workers and the public. SCAPA deals with both radiological and nonradiological materials. SCAPA working groups provide guidance to DOE/NNSA and its contractors.

Hazards Assessment

The Hazards Assessment Subcommittee focuses on hazards identification, screening, and assessments that facilitate event characterization and other elements of site/facility emergency management programs. The scope of work performed by this subcommittee includes identifying effective tools, techniques, processes, and systems.

Emergency Public Information (EPI)

The Emergency Public Information Subcommittee is dedicated to promoting the exchange of EPI resources and lessons learned.  Emphasis is on integrating EPI and Emergency Management Systems at headquarters and in the field; exchanging EPI lessons learned; assisting in the development and implementation of the EPI guidance; and supporting requirements for educating the public on emergency plans, prior to emergencies.


For more information

Andy Page
Director, National Security and Emergency Management Program


ORISE coordinates the 900-member Emergency Management Issues Special Interest Group to foster information and resource sharing across DOE/NNSA.