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Home > National Security & Emergency Management > Additional Readiness Support > Emergency Public Information > Use of Handheld and Wireless Technology During an Emergency

National Security & Emergency Management

Use of Handheld and Wireless Technology During an Emergency

Today's world of handheld and wireless technologies offers new opportunities for emergency responders to stay connected during a disaster. The maximum portability and flexibility of these devices allows teams to communicate and coordinate data and information anywhere and anytime.

The emergency planners at the Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE) can educate your organization on how to use these devices during an emergency, resulting in:

Our flagship training program has been with the Department of Homeland Security's Chemical Stockpile Emergency Preparedness Program (CSEPP). Through two-day workshops, we educate participants on how to:

ORISE also offers training and technical support in using Web-based applications that are designed to fit the handheld wireless technology. Web-based applications establish the "common ground" from which front line responders and strategic response command and control elements can most effectively manage an event.


For more information

Andy Page
Director, National Security and Emergency Management Program

Fireman trying out handheld communication device

At an ORISE-managed exercise, first responders such as this fireman learned how to use a handheld communications device to improve the coordination of an emergency response.