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Scientific, Technical & Modeling Peer Review
Advisory Group


Synopsis of History:  The AQMD has had a socioeconomic and a modeling working group since the late 1980s.  These groups have provided input on the design and development of the AQMD's air quality and socioeconomic modeling.  The STMPR Advisory Group is currently meeting to discuss the technical issues regarding the development of the 2007 AQMP.

Advisory Group Mission:  This Group provides review of AQMD modeling, monitoring, and related scientific issues.  It will provide critical review of current air quality and socioeconomic modeling techniques, as well as recommendations for, and comment on, proposed new approaches. The group provides a needed linkage between the air quality modeling community and the socioeconomic modeling community, since many of the socioeconomic assumptions such as economic and population growth projection and vehicle miles traveled, play an important role in preparing future AQMPs. 


Relative to air quality modeling and ambient measurements, the Group will play a pivotal role in providing input to the AQMD on technical approaches to address possible new ozone and particulate matter standards.  The group will also provide consensus on air quality modeling approaches for future AQMP revisions.


Relative to socioeconomic assessment, the Group is expected to bring insight to the AQMD regarding the value of various analyses and identification of areas where expanded analysis would benefit public interest and enhance the rule development process.  The Group will provide a necessary link between the scientific and technical advancements on the horizon and the potential socioeconomic influences that can encourage or deter their commercial development.

Membership:  The number of members will be approximately 20 experts selected for their expertise in the fields of socioeconomic modeling, air quality modeling, air quality and meteorological monitoring, and atmospheric science.  One of the members shall be a medical doctor.  Advisory Group Members

Reporting:  The Governing Board’s Stationary Source Committee shall be the Board’s liaison for this Advisory Group.  The Advisory Group shall provide its recommendations regarding the AQMP as they are developed and final comments will be provided to the Executive Officer at least sixty days in advance of the proposed date of release to the public of a draft air quality management plan.


2006 2007
Meeting Date Agenda &
Meeting Date Agenda &
Jan 11 Document graphic Jan 10 Document graphic
Feb 8 Document graphic Feb 14 Document graphic
Mar 8 Meeting Cancelled Mar 14 Document graphic
Apr 11 Document graphic Apr 11 Document graphic
May 10 Document graphic May 9 Document graphic
Jun 14 Document graphic Jun 13 Meeting Cancelled
Jul 12 Document graphic Jul 11
No meeting
Aug 9 Document graphic Aug
No meeting
Sep 13 Document graphic Sep
No meeting
Oct 11 Document graphic Oct
No meeting
Nov 8 Document graphic Nov
No meeting
Dec 13 Document graphic Dec
No meeting

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Advisory Group Contact Person:  Dr. Elaine Chang (909) 396-3186.

Background:  Blue Ribbon Panel Regarding Operations of Board Advisory Groups