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Educational Services- Taiwan

Educational Services




                                                                                      2004            2005            2006 (Estimated)

Total Number of Taiwan Students Going Overseas        30,728         32,913         35,216

Total Number of Taiwan Students Going to the U.S.      14,054         15,525         16,375

Note:  The statistics are unofficial estimates.


In 2005, the total number of Taiwan students studying abroad reached a 10-year high of 32,913.   Of this total, 15,525 students chose to go to the United States, which represented a significant 10% increase from 2004.  The numbers in 2006 are expected to be even more impressive.   According to unofficial estimates by the AIT consular section, the number of student visas issued by the end of 2006 will be close to 17,000, which is the highest number of applicants in a decade.  Another important indicator of increased interest in U.S. education in Taiwan is the number of scholarly exchange (J1) visas issued, which was 2,820 in 2006, a 21% increase over 2005.    


International education remains a high priority for many students and parents in Taiwan.  English proficiency or an overseas degree is considered a very important asset in the increasingly competitive local job market, thus the international student recruitment market will continue to be robust.   The United States continues to lead this market, with a 50% share.  Strong competitors in the market include the United Kingdom, Australia and Canada.  Given the highly competitive nature of the market, U.S. schools should allow more flexibility in their programs and admission requirements.  Additionally, more attention and budget should be invested in marketing in the local language.  


The main promotional channels include media advertisements, popular Internet portals, recruiting agents, education fairs and student advising centers.  Partnering with local schools in specific areas is also an effective way of entering the market. According to the Ministry of Education, there are currently 2,230 cases of cooperation between local and foreign schools, mostly in the form of agreements for academic cooperation and sister school alliances.


The United States is the most popular country for Taiwan students to pursue advanced studies abroad.  Of the Taiwan student population in the United States, 58% study at the graduate level, 29% at the undergraduate level, and 14% in other areas. The most popular fields of study are MBA or business-related degrees, engineering degrees, TESOL degrees, short and long-term ESL programs, and language or IT-related training programs with certificates for professionals.


Best Prospects/Services                                


·           MBA or business-related degrees

·           Engineering degrees

·           TESOL degrees

·           Short and long-term ESL programs

·           Language and IT Training programs with certificates for professionals




Participation at major education fairs is a good way of marketing directly to prospective students and parents.  Some of the major fairs featuring U.S. education include (listed alphabetically):


·           American International Education Foundation (AIEF)

·           Linden Tour

·           MBA Tour

·           Oh! America Education Fair             

·           The Association of Boarding Schools Fair (TABS)



Taiwan Ministry of Education Website:

American International Education Foundation (AIEF) Website:    

Linden Educational Services (Linden Tour) Website:

MBA Tour Website:

Oh! America Education Consulting Center Website:                   

The Association of Boarding Schools Fair (TABS) Website:

U.S. firms wishing to learn more about the EDU market are also encouraged to contact CS Taiwan Commercial Assistant Grace Tao at or visit the website