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Tourism-New Zealand


New Zealand

New Zealanders are avid travelers due in part to the country's physical isolation from the rest of the world. Most New Zealanders expect to travel internationally at some point in their lives. Tourism is the single largest export earner to the country's economy.  


For the year ending October 2006, 1,858,367 New Zealanders (population 4.1 million people) departed on a short-term international trip.  Approximately 5% of travelers (87,385 people) were destined for the United States.  During the past year, the United States was the third most popular destination for New Zealanders after Australia and Fiji (considered short-haul destinations).  The December 2006 military coup in Fiji may divert New Zealanders to the United States as an alternate tourist destination.  The United States Office of Travel and Tourism has projected an increase by New Zealanders traveling to the U.S. at least 4% each year until 2010.


Number of People (Year ended in October)            2004                     2005                   2006

N.Z. resident Short Term Departures                       1,691,573             1,861,333            1,858,367

Visitors to New Zealand                                          2,323,020             2,394,862            2,394,363

Travel to the U.S.                                                         79,452                  89,531                 87,385

Source – Statistics NZ.


The New Zealand Visit USA Committee continues to promote travel to the United States.  The Committee’s main tourism event is its annual Visit USA seminar program, which will be held in February 2007 in Auckland.  


Best Prospects/Services                                                                           


1.         Luxury accommodation

2.         Adventure tourism




Industry association New Zealand Visit USA Committee continues to promote travel to the United States. The Committee's main tourism event is its annual Visit USA program.  In February 2007, the Visit USA seminar program will take place in Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch. This event features participation by U.S. destinations and service providers and regularly attracts participation from more than 400 local travel agents.




New Zealand Visit USA Committee:

New Zealand Statistics:

New Zealand Tourism: