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Telecommunications- New Zealand



New Zealand

New Zealanders spend the highest per-capita on information and communications technology in the world: approximately 16% of GDP is spent on IT and telecommunications.  Industry growth in 2004 – 2005 has been driven by wireless technology giving serious competition to the more traditional copper and fiber optic-based solutions.  More than 95% of New Zealanders own a mobile phone.


Telecom NZ remains the monopoly carrier and maintains a dominant position on the local access market in fixed line voice and broadband.  Less than 25% of households have broadband due to the relatively high cost.  The NZ Government required local Loop Unbundling (LLU) in mid 2006.  Measures to date have significantly lowered the broadband cost and increased the speed to ASL2 in 2006.  In 2005, Telecom began a rollout of its NGN network; however, a forecast 2012 completion date will leave New Zealand well behind the rest of the developed world in broadband access. The introduction of ADSL2+ broadband in 2007 will enable additional service on top of Telecoms’s broadband infrastructure. Services will include VOIP video calling, converged fixed/mobile, interactive TV and VoD.


There are large projects planned and underway to bring broadband “the last mile” through wireless technologies, particularly in New Zealand’s many rural areas.  There is a growing number of wireless players including, Whoosh Wireless and CallPlus who are making inroads into the market.  This trend will continue through 2007. Mobile and Broadband revenue is expected to grow 11% in 2007 and 12% in 2008, and total market growth is 3.9% and 3.6% respectively.


Millions of US dollars               2004            2005            2006

Total Market Size                       4,900           5,270           5,450

Total Local Production (Est.)         550              590              650

Total Exports                                 400              420              500

Total Imports (Est.)                    4,750            5,100           5,300

Total Imports from the U.S.           950            1,200           1,900

Source – Statistics NZ and Paul Budde Communications

Best Prospects/Services                                                                              


1.         New wireless technologies

2.         Broadband Internet technologies




NZ Trade Show:

Convergence Oceania 2007

Wellington, New Zealand

May 8, 2007         




Ministry of Economic Development:

Paul Budde Communications:

Statistics New Zealand:

Telecommunications Users Association: