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Grantee Provisions

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Contract Process

Successful applicants will be required to enter into a contract with the Board.  The contract will establish an approved project statement of work and budget, and will list responsibilities of project personnel. For project planning purposes, the applicant should allow sixty (60) days for contract development and approval by the State. 



Reimbursement Requirements

In general, the ACRE Program will operate on a cost reimbursement basis with payments made to the applicant upon submission of claims for reimbursement and documentation supporting eligible project expenses.
Successful applicants wishing to submit a claim for reimbursement should send the following to our mailing address :

Examples of proof of payment include: cancelled checks, wire transfer confirmations, bank statements, credit card statements, signed receipts, debit notes, or other documentation as approved by the Board. 



Other Requirements

Successful applicants will also be required to develop and submit interim and final reports as agreed between the Board and applicant necessary to document project progress and final results. The specific details of these reports will be specified in the above mentioned contract.  In addition to the interim and final reports, the Board will reserve the right to conduct a follow-up survey(s) of funded projects to determine long-term economic impacts.


The Board will not be held liable for any costs incurred by any applicant for work performed in the preparation of and/or production of an application or for any work performed prior to the effective date of the contract.


The Board reserves the right to audit the applicant's books and records relating to project performance during and up to three years following the project's completion and to pursue any and all legal remedies to recover funds in the event of non-compliance or misrepresentation.


Additionally, the Board reserves the right to:

  • Waive or modify minor irregularities in applications received after prior notification and applicant's agreement;
  • Clarify the scope of this program, within the application requirements and with appropriate notice to all applicants, to better serve the interests of the State of Colorado; and
  • Amend the program specifications after their release, with appropriate written notice to all potential applicants.