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Mission Director: Robin Phillips

Department of State
Washington, DC 20521-7020
Tel: (3741) 464-700
Fax: (3741) 464-728


Since 1992, USAID has worked in partnership with Armenians to build a prosperous, stable country that offers equal opportunity to all citizens. Ar-menia’s location on the strategic seam between Europe and Asia, as well as strong ties between the American and Armenian people, make the country’s stability and prosperity an important U.S. interest.

Armenia’s development progress since in-dependence has been uneven. Although the country has achieved high scores in overall economic liberalization, the people of Arme-nia have expressed disappointment with the slow pace of many government reforms. Armenia’s borders are closed with Turkey and Azerbaijan due to the conflict over Na-gorno-Karabakh, making it more difficult for businesses to thrive. In response, the USAID program in Armenia is working to create jobs, improve access to energy and water, increase citizens’ ability to dialogue with the government, expand access to quality healthcare, and protect the country’s most vulnerable citizens from poverty.

Armenia in Action

Armenian Health Minister Harutyun Kushkyan presents certificates of appreciation to 40 community mayors from Lori and Shirak for their contributions to the project's success in the two regions.Project Celebrates Primary Health Care Achievements in Armenia’s North

On June 6, 2008, the USAID/Armenia Primary Healthcare Reform Project (PHCR) held a ceremony marking the completion of the project’s activities in the Lori and Shirak regions of northern Armenia... Read More ...

Related Items: Armenia, Health

Fifteen accountants from primary healthcare facilities in Armenia's Tavush region successfully completed the USAID Primary Healthcare Reform Project's (PHCR) accounting course, tailored to increase financial transparency among medical organizations. More than 60 accountants from three separate regions have been trained by PHCR since March 2008.Sound Accounting Key to Improving Armenian Healthcare

On April 1, 2008, fifteen accountants from primary healthcare (PHC) facilities in Armenia’s Tavush region completed a 36-hour “Financial Accounting and Cost Accounting” training course delivered by USAID/Armenia’s Primary Healthcare Reform Project (PHCR)... Read More ...

Related Items: Armenia, Institutional Reform

In his opening remarks at the April 28, 2008 labor migration conference in Yerevan, USAID/Armenia Program Officer James Carlson highlighted the important role NGOs play in assisting migrants and shaping migration policy, particularly by raising awareness.Armenia Works to Address Labor Migration Issues

On April 29, 2008, Eurasia Partnership Foundation (EPF) in cooperation with the Armenian non-governmental organization (NGO) Zinvori Mair convened a two-day conference in Yerevan on labor migration from Armenia to Russia... Read More ...

Related Items: Armenia, Labor Markets

Rolf Anderson, Director of USAID/Armenia's Economic Growth Office, highlighted the importance of advancing Armenia's tourism industry as a means of spurring economic growth during his remarks at the Second Armenian Tourism Competitiveness Conference on May 6, 2008.Armenia Strives to Build International Tourism

On May 6, 2008, USAID’s Competitive Armenian Private Sector (CAPS) project, in partnership with the Ministry of Economy of Armenia, the Armenian Tourism Development Agency, and the country’s five major industry associations... Read More ...

Related Items: Armenia, Business Development

Over 20 amateur and professional photographers took part in the contest, capturing the beauty of Armenia's waters on filmPhoto Exhibition Draws Attention to South Caucasus Water Issues

The “Water Without Borders” photo contest, held in Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia, was recently organized by the USAID South Caucasus Water Program and Eurasia Partnership Foundation to draw public attention to transboundary water issues... Read More ...

Related Items: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Environment

New mothers and the 938 pregnant women currently served by the Vedi Maternity House will become the first visitors to the new School of Motherhood and receive in-depth counseling in a comfortable environment“Schools of Motherhood” Promote Healthy Pregnancy, Infancy

On April 7 – the Day of Beauty and Motherhood in Armenia – USAID and Project NOVA representatives joined the staff of the Vedi Maternity House to mark the opening of their new School of Motherhood... Read More ...

Related Items: Armenia, Health

Armenia's water resources are now better monitored as a result of USAID's efforts in the sectorArmenia Pilots Water Resources Coding

The development of a national water resources registry and water resources coding system are among the key achievements of USAID’s Program for Institutional and Regulatory Strengthening of Water Management in Armenia... Read More ...

Related Items: Armenia, Environment

Building standards and the cost of new housing are high relative to the incomes of many households. USAID's DCA bond guarantee will help improve housing conditions for an estimated 200 middle and low income families in Armenia in 2008.Strengthening Armenia’s Housing Finance Sector

Supported by favorable macroeconomic conditions, the mortgage market in Armenia has started to develop during recent years. However, it remains very small and mainly serves the more affluent population in the capital city of Yerevan... Read More ...

Related Items: Armenia, Financial Markets

The CSHF 8th award ceremony was attended by representatives from the U.S. Embassy, USAID/Armenia, and Save the Children, as well as members of regional communities and the mediaSmall Grants Help Armenian Communities Make Big Changes

On February 29, 2008, the U.S. Embassy in Yerevan hosted the eighth bi-annual Community Self Help Fund (CSHF) Grants award ceremony. Launched in November 2003, CSHF is a U.S. Embassy program designed to assist local communities... Read More ...

Related Items: Armenia, Infrastructure

After several years of blindness, Lusik now enjoys every single 'day of light' and seeing her grandchildren growProject Restores Sight for Thousands of Armenians

Lusik Yeritsyan and her family live on the outskirts of Artsvaberd, a small village in Armenia’s Tavush marz. The house has one living room, one bedroom, a kitchen, and a corridor where Lusik’s bed is located... Read More ...

Related Items: Armenia, Health

Biomonitoring provides people with 'the possibility to get the real picture of river pollution,' said workshop participant Dr. Susanna Hakobyan, a senior research fellow at Armenia’s Institute of Hydroecology and Ichthyology of the National Academy of SciencesHarmonizing Water Quality Monitoring in the South Caucasus

The USAID South Caucasus Water Program is facilitating the harmonization of water-quantity and water-quality monitoring capabilities among Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia... Read More ...

Related Items: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Environment

Sona Manucharyan and Ani Hakobyan participated in the CC 'Young Voters Participation in Electoral Processes' program in the US, sharing their experience and knowledge with over 1,000 Armenian youth upon their return homeNurturing Voting Culture in Armenia

Promoting public diplomacy, fostering public-private partnerships across sectors, and encouraging efficient networking and collaboration among Armenian regions to advance the country’s economic reform... Read More ...

Related Items: Armenia, Democracy

From 2004-2007, the project screened 124,158 people (including 67,049 children), out of which 4,790 patients received medical treatment on the Mobile Eye Hospital and 11,141 vulnerable people were provided with eyeglassesProtecting Armenians’ Vision

Although significant reforms in Armenia’s healthcare system have made primary healthcare (PHC) affordable and accessible for the majority of population, the quality of eye care services provided at the PHC level is still relatively poor... Read More ...

Related Items: Armenia, Health

Amy Ramm, SPSS Project Chief of Party, Ann Hirschey, Director of USAID/Armenia Social Reform Office, and Volodymyr Yatsenko, USAID/Armenia Social Sector Advisor at the open house reception.Boosting Social Protection in Armenia

On February 8, 2008, USAID/Armenia’s Social Protection Systems Strengthening (SPSS) Project hosted an open house to mark its first year of successful work in Armenia... Read More ...

Related Items: Armenia, Social Programs

The children of Shenik waved flags, exclaiming 'Hayastan' (Armenia) to welcome guests and community members to their renovated school buildingRenovations Revitalize Armenian Villages

The Integrated Community Development project is improving the quality of life in rural Armenia through an integrated approach to development and a novel model of partnership between the public and private sectors... Read More ...

Related Items: Armenia, Infrastructure

One of the main objectives of the MAAC Conference was to inform general public, civil society activists and international community of the Armenian Government's new multi-year Anti-Corruption StrategyUSAID/Armenia Mobilizes Action Against Corruption

To help develop a comprehensive approach to counter corruption in Armenia, USAID’s Mobilizing Action Against Corruption (MAAC) project... Read More ...

Related Items: Armenia, Democracy

Mel Chudnof (center) tries on a Georgian traditional hat with Community Connections program alumni Levan Kopaleishvili and Levan KizilashviliAmerican Host Families Visit New Georgian Friends

The lasting relationships created through USAID’s Community Connections (CC) program were evident this summer, when American host families paid reciprocal visits to Georgia... Read More ...

Related Items: Georgia, Social Programs

Fashion Marketing Solutions LLC is the founder of the Armenian Fashion Council and the organizer of 'Pret a Porter Yerevan' – the only seasonal fashion show event in the country aimed at fostering the burgeoning fashion industry in ArmeniaProject Helps Over 500 Armenian SMEs Generate Jobs, Sales

On December 3, 2007, the USAID Armenia Agribusiness Small and Medium Enterprise Market Development Project (ASME) hosted an open house event in Yerevan to celebrate the project’s seventh anniversary... Read More ...

Related Items: Armenia, Business Development

'I realized that we all - Armenians, Azeris, and Georgians - share many of the same problems, though we live in different countries. We all have aspirations for a peaceful and healthy future for our families and communities, and we, as women, need to do more to lead our communities to that goal,' said advocate Armenuhi AghababyanWomen Foster Regional Cooperation, Environmental Stewardship

A small town and copper mining site in the north of Armenia, Akhtala is situated on the left bank of the Debed River, which streams its waters to Georgia feeding the Kura, the largest watercourse in the South Caucasus... Read More ...

Related Items: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Environment

Around 6,000 people visited 'DigiTec 2007' to learn about the latest innovations of local and international companies in the IT industryCompetitveness Project Builds Armenia’s IT Sector

Through its Competitive Armenian Private Sector (CAPS) Program, USAID has been fostering the development of the Information Technology (IT) cluster in Armenia by assisting businesses with improving the quality and productivity of their output... Read More ...

Related Items: Armenia, Business Development

U.S. Embassy Charge d'Affaires Joseph Pennington and Armenia's Minister of Energy, Armen Movsisyan, sign the Statement of Cooperation between the two governments in developing planning studies for a new nuclear power generation unit in ArmeniaArmenia Plans for an Energy-Safe Future

A landlocked country with no fossil fuels resource, Armenia has been greatly dependent on nuclear power as one of its main sources of energy... Read More ...

Related Items: Armenia, Energy

This woman and her child, along with their neighbors, are now able to receive healthcare services in Voskepar's renovated health postCommunity Action Revives Health Care in Armenian Village

Voskepar is a small community of 1,200 inhabitants in Armenia’s Tavush marz region. Local lore says that what Voskepar lacks in size, it more than makes up for with determination... Read More ...

Related Items: Armenia, Democracy

The new grant will help six regional newspapers improve quality of content, strengthen financial viability and increase circulationArmenia’s Regional Print Media Bolstered

A competitive media sector not only helps to ensure public awareness, but can also spur the growth of democracy by increasing civic participation and responsiveness... Read More ...

Related Items: Armenia, Democracy

(From left:) Hovhannes Manoukyan, Chairman of RA Court of Cassation, John M. Walker Jr., senior US circuit judge, and Hrach Sargsyan, Chairman of RA Association of Judges underscore the importance of the 'Commentaries' in promoting rule of law and ensuring effective functioning of Armenia's Judicial CodeArmenia Takes Another Step to Support Ethical Judicial Conduct

One of the cornerstones of democracy is the establishment of an independent and impartial judiciary to promote the rule of law and protect the rights of citizens... Read More ...

Related Items: Armenia, Rule of Law

Puppets Tolerance for Tots: USAID Funds Regional TV Program for Kids in the Caucasus

On January 29, 2005, the USAID-funded Children’s Tolerance Education project (CTEP) began broadcasting an innovative new television program for children in Georgia, Armenia, and Azerbaijan... Read More ...

Related Items: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Social Programs

TomatoesCheer Dried Fruit Finding New International Markets

In the sun-soaked fields of Armavir Marz lays an inspiring success story. The Cheer company produces dried fruits and vegetables for export and has been a DAIASME partner for more than three years... Read More ...

Related Items: Armenia, Business Development

USAID Mission to Armenia Partners for the Future Video ScreenshotVideo: USAID Mission to Armenia - Partners for the Future

It has already been ten years since the United States pledged to support the people of Armenia on their way to democracy, a market economy and regional peace. This video is dedicated to the various development programs implemented by the U.S. Diplomatic Mission and U.S. Governmental Agencies in Armenia. Watch the Video ...

USAID Mission to Armenia 10 Years of Progress Video ScreenshotVideo: USAID Mission to Armenia - Ten Years of Progress

This film celebrates the 10-year anniversary of USAID/Armenia and marks its accomplishments with narratives from individuals who have experienced USAID's efforts first-hand. From the young athlete in Gyumri to the grandmother in Yerevan, they share their stories of adversity and triumph. Watch the Video ...

Recipient of earthquake assistance - ArmeniaU.S. Foreign Assistance Makes a Difference

Imagine living in a country where you could not own property: you could not buy or sell a home or leave it to your children; you could not own the land you farmed; you could not own the property on which you did business. Indeed, you would have a very hard time doing any kind of business at all, as there would be no banking system as we know it, no possibility of getting a mortgage or other credit, no judicial system to enforce a contract. Read more ...

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Thu, 07 Aug 2008 15:38:36 -0500