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Each term in the TRT is assigned a unique notational code that conveys its location within the hierarchy. The first letter of the notation represents the facet or top term. Using the notational code it is easy to determine the terms relation in the hierarchy. The term's parent (Ae) will have one less letter (from the right end) as the term (Aea). Siblings (Aeg, Aes) will have the same notational code as the term except the last letter will be different. Children (Aeac, Aeah) will have one letter appended to the end of the notational code of the term.

Hierarchical Display

Top Terms> Facilities > Specialized facilities > Bridges and culverts > Bridges > Types of bridges > Types of bridges by design

Pdybm: Types of bridges
Pdybmd: Types of bridges by design
 Pdybmdb: Arch bridges
Click to expand Pdybmdc: Cantilever bridges
 Pdybmdd: Covered bridges
 Pdybmde: Curved bridges
Click to expand Pdybmdg: Girder bridges
 Pdybmdh: Long span bridges
Click to expand Pdybmdj: Movable bridges
 Pdybmdm: Narrow bridges
 Pdybmdn: Pontoon bridges
Click to expand Pdybmdp: Prefabricated bridges
 Pdybmdr: Skew bridges
 Pdybmds: Suspension bridges
 Pdybmdt: Trestles
 Pdybmdv: Truss bridges
 Pdybmdx: Viaducts

Broader Term:
Pdybm: Types of bridges
Related Terms:
Pdybmm: Types of bridges by material
Pdybmu: Types of bridges by use
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