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Transportation Research Thesaurus

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Each term in the TRT is assigned a unique notational code that conveys its location within the hierarchy. The first letter of the notation represents the facet or top term. Using the notational code it is easy to determine the terms relation in the hierarchy. The term's parent (Ae) will have one less letter (from the right end) as the term (Aea). Siblings (Aeg, Aes) will have the same notational code as the term except the last letter will be different. Children (Aeac, Aeah) will have one letter appended to the end of the notational code of the term.

Hierarchical Display

Top Terms> Construction and maintenance > Construction > Materials adaptation and use

Fc: Construction
Fcb: Materials adaptation and use
 Fcba: Aeration
Click to expand Fcbb: Comminution
Click to expand Fcbc: Compaction
Click to expand Fcbd: Cutting
 Fcbe: Densification
Click to expand Fcbg: Drying
Click to expand Fcbj: Forming
 Fcbk: Impregnation (Engineering)
 Fcbl: Machining
Click to expand Fcbm: Mechanical analysis
 Fcbn: Milling
Click to expand Fcbp: Mixing
 Fcbq: Pouring
 Fcbr: Processing (Materials)
 Fcbu: Refining
 Fcbv: Spreading
Click to expand Fcbw: Surface preparation
 Fcbx: Wetting
Click to expand Fcby: Adaptation and use of specific materials

Cross Reference:
Ttkp: Materials science
Broader Term:
Fc: Construction
Related Terms:
Fca: Building
Fcc: Materials and structures protection
Fcd: Environmental control
Fce: Construction by environment
Fcf: Construction of specific facilities
Fcv: Construction of specific vehicles
Fcy: Construction management
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