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On-Farm Renewable Energy

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The Colorado Agricultural Value-Added Development Board administers the Advancing Colorado's Renewable Energy (ACRE) Program which provides funding to promote energy-related projects beneficial to Colorado's agriculture industry.  Funding in the amount of $500,000 will be available to the Board for allocation and award during the 2008/2009 fiscal year that began July 1, 2008. 


Specific authority for the ACRE Program is outlined in CRS 35-75-205(1.5) and provides for funds appropriated to the Colorado

Department of Agriculture (CDA) to be allocated to the Board "to promote agricultural energy-related projects."  Such projects must, in some way, benefit Colorado's agriculture industry and may include biofuels development, biomass conversion, and wind and solar energy. 

The Colorado Agricultural Value-Added Development Board derives its mission and authority from Colorado Revised Statutes (CRS) 35-75-201 thru 35-75-205 which provide for the making of grants, loans and loan guarantees, and equity investments to eligible persons for purposes of encouraging and promoting business projects that add value to agricultural products, as well as agricultural energy-related projects.As appropriate, tax credits may also be offered by the Board for new or ongoing agricultural projects that add value to Colorado agricultural products and aid the economy of Colorado communities.
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Governor's Energy Office

This is a great resource to get started using renewable energy in Colorado.

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National Renewable Energy Laboratory

The US Department of Energy's (DOE) facility for renewable energy and energy efficiency research, development and deployment.