James P. Stables, MS Admin., R.Ph.

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Photo of Mr. Stables   Program Director, Office Director
Neuroscience Center, Room  2106
6001 Executive Blvd MSC 9523
Bethesda, MD 20892-9523

Specialties: Anticonvulsant drug development, anticonvulsant drug screening and countermeasures to nerve agent exposures

James P. Stables was educated as a clinical pharmacist with a Masters of Science Degree in Administration. Before coming to the NIH he was a practicing clinical pharmacist with the US Public Health Service and U.S. Navy specializing in pediatrics and oncology. For over 23 years he has served in various positions within the NINDS but for the past 8 years has directed the Anticonvulsant Screening Program (ASP). His extensive background in pharmacology and drug development has provided leadership that contributed to the discovery and development of antiepileptic therapies currently in use as well as numerous others in various stages of human testing for epilepsy, anxiety, neuropathic pain and countermeasures for acute exposure to various nerve agents. He is responsible for establishing the necessary partnerships with academia, industry, volunteer organizations and government that are vital in the successful translation of basic science to the clinic and market.

Date Last Modified Wednesday, May 14, 2008