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Department of Human Services
Ten Mile Lake Health Advisory
October 3, 1997

(Portland) The Oregon Health Services and the Coos County Health Department issued an advisory today for a potential health hazard from a toxic blue-green algae in Ten Mile Lake, in Coos County. The blue-green algal species Microcystis aeruginosa was found in lake water samples collected this week from Templeton Arm, Coleman Arm, and Willow Point.

Microcystis aeruginosa is known to produce a toxin that can cause liver damage in animals or humans. Tests are currently being conducted to determine the toxin concentration in the water samples. Results are expected early next week.

The Health Services strongly recommends that ingestion of water from Ten Mile Lake by humans and animals be discontinued until further notice. People are advised that water from the lake should not be used for drinking or cooking purposes. Water uses that do not involve ingestion, such as bathing and washing clothes and dishes, can be continued. It should not be assumed that private treatment systems or boiling the water are effective in removing the toxins.

People are also advised to avoid swimming and other contact with the lake that might result in accidental ingestion of the water.

With cooler weather and rainfall the blue-green algae is expected to diminish in the coming weeks. The Health Services will continue to monitor the course of the algal bloom and will advise when the hazard no longer exists.

The Health Services recommends that surface waters not be used for drinking without being fully treated with filtration and disinfection.

Microcystis aeruginosa
& Anabaena flos-aquae

(Blue-green algae)
Contact Us

Kenneth Kauffman
Environmental Health Specialist

Dave Stone

Page updated: September 22, 2007

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