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SCAQMD Rules and Regulations

Regulation XX
Regional Clean Air Incentives Market (RECLAIM)

TOC Table of Contents
Rule 2000 General
(Amended May 6, 2005)
Rule 2001 Applicability
(Amended May 6, 2005)
Rule 2002 Allocations for Oxides of Nitrogen (NOx) and Oxides of Sulfur (SOx)
(Amended January 7, 2005)
Rule 2003 Reserved
Rule 2004 Requirements
(Amended April 6, 2007)
Rule 2005 New Source Review for RECLAIM
(Amended May 6, 2005)
Rule 2006 Permits
(Amended May 11, 2001)
Rule 2007 Trading Requirements
(Amended April 6, 2007)
Rule 2008 Mobile Source Credits
(Adopted October 15, 1993)
Rule 2009 Compliance Plan for Power Producing Facilities
(Amended January 7, 2005)
Rule 2009.1 Compliance Plans for Forecast Reports for Non Power Producing Facilities
(Adopted May 11, 2001)
Rule 2010 Administrative Remedies and Sanctions
(Amended April 6, 2007)
Rule 2011 Requirements for Monitoring, Reporting, and Recordkeeping for Oxides of Sulfur (SOx) Emissions
(Amended May 6, 2005)
  Appendix A
Rule 2011 - Protocol for Monitoring, Reporting, and Recordkeeping for Oxides of Sulfur (SOx)Emissions
(Amended May 6, 2005)

Chapter 1 - Overview

Chapter 2 - Major Sources - Continuous Emissions Monitoring System (CEMS)

Chapter 3 - Process Units - Periodic Reporting (CPMS) and Rule 219 Equipment

Chapter 4 - Process Units - Source Testing

Chapter 5 - Remote Terminal Unit (RTU) - Electronic Reporting

Chapter 6 - Reference Methods

Attachments A-F to Appendix A
(Amended January 7, 2005)
Attachment A - 1 N Procedure
Attachment B - Bias Test
Attachment C - Quality Assurance and Quality Control Procedures
Attachment D - List of Acronyms and Abbreviations
Attachment E - Definitions
Attachment F - Supplemental and Alternative CEMS Performance Requirements for Low SOx Concentrations

Rule 2012 Requirements for Monitoring, Reporting, and Recordkeeping for Oxides of Nitrogen (NOx) Emissions
(Amended May 6, 2005)

Appendix A
Rule 2012 - Protocol for Monitoring, Reporting, and Recordkeeping for Oxides of Nitrogen (NOx) Emissions
(Amended May 6, 2005)

Chapter 1 -  Overview

Chapter 2 - Major Sources - Continuous Emission Monitoring System (CEMS)

Chapter 3 - Large Sources - Continuous Process Monitoring System (CPMS)

Chapter 4 - Process Units - Periodic Reporting and Rule 219

Chapter 5 - Large Sources and Process Units - Source Testing

Chapter 6 - All Sources and Units - Determining Source Category Status

Chapter 7 - Remote Terminal Unit (RTU) - Electronic Reporting

Chapter 8 - Reference Methods

Attachments A-G to Appendix A
(Amended January 7, 2005)

Attachment A - 1N Procedure
Attachment B - Bias Test
Attachment C - Quality Assurance and Quality Control Procedures
Attachment D - Equipment Tuning Procedures
Attachment E - List of Acronyms and Abbreviations
Attachment F - Definitions
Attachment G - Supplemental and Alternative CEMS Performance Requirements for Low NOx Concentrations

Rule 2013 Reserved
Rule 2014 Reserved
Rule 2015 Backstop Provisions
(Amended June 4, 2004)
Rule 2020 RECLAIM Reserve
(Adopted May 11, 2001)