Hazardous Materials Specialist

Hazardous materials are receiving increased attention throughout the country. Hazardous materials management is a rewarding career if you are interested in protecting natural resources and human health and safety. Hazardous materials personnel have wide educational backgrounds, usually with specialized training in such areas as engineering, hydrology, chemistry, industrial hygiene, biology, and the environmental sciences. A BLM hazardous materials specialist deals with investigating and solving all types of problems created by the use of hazardous substances on the public lands. In addition, a hazardous materials specialist may be responsible for minimizing potential problems in the work place and in the safe reuse and/or disposal of hazardous substances. Typical projects include: landfill studies, mining operations and reclamation, pesticide application, surface and ground water studies, contract administration, emergency response, interpretation and application of complex laws and regulations, and working with the public and other agencies. To pursue a career in the hazardous materials field, course work should include mathematics, chemistry, biology, physics, computer science, environmental science, public speaking, and writing. A bachelor's degree, preferably in one of the physical sciences, is required.


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Last Updated: July 2, 2001

For questions about our programs contact Bibi Booth
This site is maintained by Kevin Flynn

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