Protecting Oregon's Environment
Oregon State Seal
Oregon Department of Environmental Quality

Land Quality 

Environmental Cleanup

Environmental Cleanup
Hazardous Waste
Solid Waste

Accessing Data from DEQ's Environmental Cleanup Site Information (ECSI) Database   

DEQ maintains its Environmental Cleanup Site Information (ECSI) database to track sites in Oregon with known or potential contamination from hazardous substances, and to document sites where DEQ has determined that no further action is required. Data in ECSI is "working information" used by DEQ's Environmental Cleanup Section. Please note that:

  • Some information in ECSI may be unconfirmed, outdated, or incomplete.
  • Data in ECSI is summary in nature, rather than comprehensive.
  • There may be contaminated sites in Oregon that are unknown to DEQ and do not appear in ECSI. Conversely, the appearance of a site in ECSI does not necessarily mean that the site is contaminated.
  • Information in ECSI is subject to change at any time.

If you are unfamiliar with ECSI, or need more information about its contents and limitations, DEQ recommends that you review the brief ECSI frequently asked questions web page before using this query.

Search complete ECSI database
For information on all DEQ cleanup sites, query the entire ECSI database. The list produced from your query will provide links to summary reports for each site.

Search the Confirmed Release List
Limit your ECSI search to just those sites listed on the Confirmed Release List.

Search the Inventory of Hazardous Substance Sites
Limit your Confirmed Release List search to sites listed on the Inventory of Hazardous Substance Sites.

Download ECSI data and documentation.
A self-extracting zip file, table descriptions, and an entity relationship diagram.

[print version]

For more information about ECSI call Gil Wistar at 503-229-5512 or email.

For more information about DEQ's Land Quality Division and its programs, see the contact page.

Oregon Department of Environmental Quality
Headquarters: 811 Sixth Ave., Portland, OR 97204-1390
Phone: 503-229-5696 or toll free in Oregon 1-800-452-4011
Oregon Telecommunications Relay Service: 1-800-735-2900  FAX: 503-229-6124

The Oregon Department of Environmental Quality is a regulatory agency authorized to protect Oregon's environment by
the State of Oregon and the Environmental Protection Agency.

DEQ Web site privacy notice