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Oregon Top 10 Weather Events

Oregon's Top 10 Weather Events of 1900s

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    Top 10 Weather Events of Oregon for the 1900s:
    As the century draws to a close, staff at the National Weather Service offices in Oregon have reviewed records of major weather events to affect the state over the past 100 years. Based on impacts to people, property and the economy, National Weather Service has chosen the top ten weather-related events to impact Oregon in ascending order. Choosing among the numerous 20th century weather events was a difficult task. And many of the events did not impact just this state alone. These events were widespread, impacting other parts of Western United States. You will also note that most of the larger events are recent. This is due to the fact that record keeping has improved in the latter half of the century, while urbanization in the state has increased the economic impacts of severe storms and floods.
    Oregon's Top Ten: [ #1 ] [ #2 ] [ #3 ] [ #4 ] [ #5 ] [ #6 ] [ #7 ] [ #8 ] [ #9 ] [ #10 ]
    Other States:
    Washington | Utah | California

  1. Deadly Flash Flood on June 14, 1903 at Heppner, Oregon [historical photo]
    This was surely the most deadly natural disaster in Oregon's recorded history. A strong thunderstorm, accompanied by extremely heavy rain and hail, moved near Heppner, Oregon. The storm covered a very small area, probably no more than 50 square miles. Heavy rain fell in a very short time, creating severe flash flooding along Willow Creek, normally a peaceful stream flowing through the town center. The entire town was swept away in just a few short minutes, drowning nearly 247 people. Eyewitnesses say thunderstorm rains arrived as a 40-foot wall of water and the ensuing flood raged through town for over an hour. In all, one-third of the towns' structures were wiped out. The massive runoff of water was a result of heavy rain falling on the barren rocky hills, then flowing into the Willow Creek watershed. Only fifteen minutes separated the first rainwater in Willow Creek at Heppner and the flood crest! There are no rainfall records available for this storm because the weather observing station was completely destroyed, drowning the observer and his entire family.

    A similar fate would have been in store for the citizens of Ione, just 20 miles downstream. However, telephoned warnings prompted an immediate evacuation and residents escaped to high ground. At least 150 homes were destroyed at Ione and bodies were washed more than 40 miles downstream to the Columbia River.

  2. May 1948 Vanport Flood of north Portland [several historical photos]
    A city of 20,000 situated near the confluence of the Columbia and Willamette Rivers in Northwest Oregon was put under 15 feet of water in just two hours when a dike holding back the snow melt swollen Columbia River failed. The dike was thought to be impervious and well constructed. About 25 lives were lost and 10,000 homes and their contents were destroyed. Evacuation was hampered because a single road was the only route out of the disaster area. The city of Vanport ceased to exist that day. It was eventually replaced by an race track and a golf course.

  3. Columbus Day Windstorm of October 1962 [historical photos]
    A generation of Oregonians received searing memories that day. This quintessential windstorm became the standard against which all other statewide disasters are now measured. The storm killed 38 people and injured many more and did 170-200 million dollars in damage (over 800 million in today's dollars). Wind gusts reached 116 mph in downtown Portland. Cities lost power for 2 to 3 weeks and over 50,000 dwellings were damaged. Agriculture took a devastating blow as an entire fruit and nut orchards were destroyed. Scores of livestock were killed as barns collapsed or trees were blown over on the animals. In fact, the amount of trees blown down during the Columbus Day storm was nearly 15 times that blown down by the 1980 eruption of Mount St. Helens. More on this storm...

    Wind Speeds of the Columbus Day 1962 Storm
    Location Strongest Wind Speed
    Astoria Sustained 44 mph, peak gust of 96 mph
    Newport Peak gust of 138 mph before wind instrument was damaged
    Mt Hebo radar site Unofficial wind gust of 130 mph.
    North Bend Peak gust of 81 mph
    Portland, Airport frequent gusts 88 mph, with peak wind gust of 104 mph (estimated since power was lost)
    Portland, Downtown Peak wind gust of 93 mph
    Morrison Bridge, Portland Peak wind gust of 116 mph
    Hillsboro Peak wind gust of 90 mph
    Troutdale Sustained wind of 66 mph, peak gust 106 mph
    Salem Sustained wind of 58 mph, peak gust 90 mph
    Corvallis Peak wind gust of 127 mph at the airport
    Eugene Sustained wind of 63 mph, peak gust of 86 mph
    Roseburg Peak wind gust of 62 mph
    Medford Peak wind gust of 58 mph
    Klamath Falls Peak wind gust of 65 mph
    Lakeview Peak wind gust of 58 mph
    Redmond Peak wind gust of 47 mph
    The Dalles Peak wind gust of 29 mph
    Pendleton Peak wind gust of 42 mph

  4. [return to top of list]

  5. the Tillamook Wildfire Burns of August 1933 (and again in 1939, 1945, and 1951)
    An unusually hot, dry summer set the stage for this incredible environmental disaster. On August 14, 1933 a fire ignited during a logging operation in the Coast Range of NW Oregon. It quickly spread to 40,000 acres in just two days. The blaze was initially battled by 1,800 fire fighters. Ten days later, dry and strong east winds fanned the flames to a quarter million acres in just 20 hours. The fire was phenomenally powerful, burning in huge, ancient stands of old growth Douglas Fir timber. Some of the trees were five centuries old. The flaming front of the fire was 18 miles long and illuminated the night skies for scores of miles. A smoke column 8 miles high carried ash out to sea where it fell on ships as far as 500 miles away from the coastline. Oregon beaches had ash and cinders 2 feet deep for a stretch of 30 miles. The fire burned uncontrolled until moist, west winds helped decrease its intensity. A week later, wetting rain halted the spread, but the smoldering continued. In subsequent years the unconsumed fuel burned again and again. These fires were also devastating, but never equaled the appalling spectacle of the first fire. In totality, over 13 billion board feet of timber was killed. A little more than half was salvaged. The remainder could have provided enough wood to give every man, woman, and child in the USA a 20'long 2x6 stud.

  6. Floods of December 1964 to January 1965
    The December 1964 rainstorm was undoubtedly the most severe rainstorm to ever occur over central Oregon, and among the most severe over western Oregon since the late 1870s. Several observing stations across central Oregon recorded two-thirds of their normal annual rainfall in just 5 days. Scores of stations set new records for both 24-hour totals and December monthly rainfall totals. Widespread severe flooding occurred, with at least 30 major highway bridges receiving such damage as to make them unuseable! The new John Day multi-million dollar bridge was destroyed as were scores of bridges on county and secondary roads. Hundreds of miles of roads and highways were washed out or badly damaged. Thousands of people had to be evacuated due to ensuing floods. The Willamette River at downtown Portland had a stage of 29.8 feet. This was a record high for the winter season, and was within inches of the peak stage during the Columbia River spring flood of 1948. Hundreds of homes and other buildings were destroyed and an even greater number were badly damaged. .Heavy snow followed by persistent heavy rains lead to record flooding in Oregon during the later half of December 1964 and January 1965. In all, 17 people died. Virtually every river in the state was far above flood stage and mudslides, bridge failures, and inundation closed the state's roads, airports, and railways. Reservoirs were overwhelmed early on in the storm and many proved unable to release water fast enough to prevent overtopping. Dorena Dam, south of Eugene had water flowing over the top more than 8 feet deep.

    December 1964 rainfall totals and the normal rainfall for December
    (units are inches)
    Location Normal December Rainfall December 1964 Rainfall
    Albany 6.75 12.55
    Arlington 1.33 6.87 (new December record)
    Ashland 6.74 11.28 (new December record)
    Bend 1.73 8.74 (new December record)
    Crater Lake 11.69 38.47 (new December record)
    Detroit 12.83 30.86 (new December record)
    Eugene 6.61 20.99 (new December record)
    Falls City 13.83 27.05
    Government Camp 12.78 28.62
    Grants Pass 5.52 16.06 (new December record)
    Heppner 1.38 4.40 (new December record)
    Illahe 16.76 41.43 (new December record)
    Lakeview 1.88 8.96 (new December record)
    Medford 3.38 12.72 (new December record)
    Newport 11.02 20.94 (new December record)
    Pendleton 1.49 3.23
    Portland, downtown 7.42 11.45
    Portland, airport 6.38 9.97
    Reedsport 11.94 22.01
    The Dalles 2.36 9.05 (new December record)
    Valsetz 22.27 40.25 (new December record)

  7. [return to top of list]

  8. Floods of February 1996 [several historical photos][ table of flood crests ]
    In early February 1996 four days of heavy rain began after a period of extended, bitter cold. Low level snow packs released up to 10 inches of water in as little as 48 hours. Five people died and nearly every Oregon county received a disaster declaration. Region-wide damage estimates exceeded one billion dollars. Thousands were sheltered and hundreds of homes were destroyed. The City of Portland erected a makeshift flood barrier to prevent flood waters from moving into the downtown area.

    For more in-depth information, including photographs, on the February 1996 floods as compiled by the Oregon Climate Service. Here are tons of February 1996 flood photos collected by the Marion County Emergency Management Teams.

  9. Severe Thunderstorm of July 9, 1995 in north central Oregon
    A supercell thunderstorm that developed near Redmond traveled nearly 200 miles before dissipating. It produced baseball sized hail in cities from Condon to Hermiston. Nearly every vehicle in Hermiston was damaged by hail. The local watermelon crop, on the verge of harvest, was a complete loss. The storm spawned flash floods, damaging winds, and even a brief tornado. The National Weather Service's new Doppler radar tracked the storm and allowed forecasters to provide ample warning. There were no fatalities, but damages to crops, structures, and property were in the tens of millions of dollars.

  10. January 1950 Snowstorms
    January 1950 was a very cold month statewide, with freqent snowstorms. For the state as a whole, snow was the heaviest during this January than ever before since the beginning of weather record keeping, which began in 1890. For some areas, the heaviest one-day snowfall was reported during the first few days of the month, while for others the heaviest one-day snowfall occurred during the last few days. For most locations, the heaviest occurred during the period of January 9 through the 18th. Actually, there were three storms, but very little time separated them. Their net effect was a nearly continuous storm. On the 13th, snow was accompanied by high winds, creating widespread blowing and drifting of snow. Deep snow drifts closed all highways west of the Cascades and through the Columbia River Gorge. A very severe sleet storm began around noon on the 18th. Within hours sleet piled up to depths of 4 to 5 inches in northwestern Oregon. During the night of the 18th, the sleet turned to freezing rain, and created much havoc on highways, trees, and power lines. Hundreds of motorists were stranded in the Columbia River Gorge. The stranded motorists had to be rescued by train, though even all rail traffic had considerable difficulty and many delays in getting through the Gorge. Freezing rain downed many trees and power lines, creating widespread power outages across northwestern Oregon. Hundreds of thousands of dollars in damage occurred.

    Western Oregon January 1950 Snowfall Totals
    Western Oregon Location January Total Snowfall
    Albany 54.7 inches
    Astoria Agricultural Station 39.4 inches
    Bandon 6.0 inches
    Brookings 6.0 inches
    Clatskanie 68.5 inches
    Corvallis 52.0 inches
    Cottage Grove dam 121.0 inches
    Detroit dam 122.0 inches
    Estacada 31.0 inches
    Eugene 36.0 inches
    Falls City 78.0 inches
    Forest Grove 59.0 inches
    Gold Beach 3.0 inches
    Hillsboro 42.4 inches
    Leaburg 50.0 inches
    Marion Forks 196.0 inches
    McMinnville 47.0 inches
    Medford 20.1 inches
    Molalla 30.0 inches
    Newport 6.2 inches
    North Bend 2.5 inches
    Oregon City 34.0 inches
    Otis 20.0 inches
    Portland Airport 41.0 inches
    Portland downtown 32.9 inches
    Powers 18.1 inches
    Prospect 87.5 inches
    Reedsport 5.0 inches
    Riddle 42.9 inches
    Roseburg 28.0 inches
    Salem 32.8 inches
    Santiam Pass 128.5 inches
    Sexton Summit 73.9 inches
    Three Links 96.0 inches
    Tillamook 18.9 inches
    Timberline Lodge 224 inches
    Troutdale 36.7 inches

    Eastern Oregon January 1950 Snowfall Totals
    Eastern Oregon Location January Total Snowfall
    Antelope 40.0 inches
    Baker City 24.4 inches
    Bend 56.5 inches
    Burns 31.9 inches
    Cascade Locks 92.5 inches
    Condon 43.1 inches
    Crater Lake 136.0 inches
    Dufur 18.0 inches
    Enterprise 30.8 inches
    Fossil 49.3 inches
    Fremont 49.2 inches
    Granite 80.0 inches
    Grizzly 42.5 inches
    Hart Mountain Wildlife Refuge 25.5 inches
    Heppner 36.5 inches
    Hood River 93.8 inches
    Klamath Falls 56.5 inches
    Klamath Falls airport 38.1 inches
    La Grande 42.0 inches
    Madras 28.0 inches
    Meacham 41.8 inches
    Mitchell 25.8 inches
    Moro 54.0 inches
    Ochoco Ranger Station 67.7 inches
    Odell Lake East 134.0 inches
    Ontario 17.0 inches
    Parkdale 138.5 inches
    Pendleton 41.6 inches
    Prineville 24.0 inches
    Redmond 36.0 inches
    Redmond airport 28.8 inches
    Rome 8.1 inches
    The Dalles 76.0 inches
    Umatilla 24.8 inches
    Union 24.8 inches
    Unity 19.0 inches
    Wickiup dam near Sunriver 68.3 inches

  11. [return to top of list]

  12. Tornado of June 11, 1968 in Wallowa County
    This storm struck in very mountainous, unihabited timbered area. Very few persons witnessed the tornado, and those persons were in poor position to actually observed the tornado. Determination as a tornado is based largely on width of the path and appearance of wreckage it caused. Approximately 1800 acres of prime timber were destroyed, with an additional 1200 acres badly damaged. An estimated 40 million board feet of lumber were blown down. The storm lasted no more than 5 minutes at any observed point and was accompanied briefly by golfball-sized hail. The storm occurred around 4 pm and had a ground path of about eight to ten miles and nearly 2 miles wide.

  13. Extreme Cold in February 1933
    A cold outbreak brought a surge of Arctic air into the state. The city of Seneca and in Ukiah, in northeast Oregon, both recorded the state's all-time record low temperature of -54 degrees F. The next day it was nearly 100 degrees warmer when the high reached 45 degrees.

    Other Related Links...
  1. National Severe Weather and Extremes (from National Climatic Data Center)
  2. Oregon Climate Service publications (including floods of 1996)
  3. NOAA's Storm Prediction Center
  4. National Weather Events Archive
  5. National Weather Service Portland historical photos

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