
[Business Listings] [People Listings] [Reverse Lookup] [More Directories]

Business Listings (U. S. & Canada)

  • AnyWho - (toll free numbers included in business listing results, where applicable)
  • Dex - the electronic version of the Valley's Qwest phone books, plus many other cities
    (also includes toll-free numbers nationwide)
  • (incorporates the former GTE SuperPages and the former BigYellow)
  • Switchboard - Choose "Find a Person", "Find a Business", or "Find E-Mail".
  • Canada411 - Choose "Find a Business" or "Find a Person".  Available in French and English.

People Listings (U. S. & Canada)

  • Dex - This is the electronic version of the Valley's Qwest phone book.  Click on "residential listings" to find people.
  • AnyWho (People)
  • Switchboard (U. S.) - Choose "Find a Person", "Find a Business", or "Find E-Mail".


  • Canada411 - Choose "Find a Business" or "Find a Person".  Available in French and English.

Reverse Lookup

More Directories (Including International Directories)

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