Business in Tempe
The City of Tempe wants existing, new and expanding businesses to be successful in the community. The Economic Development team provides a wide range of services designed to support small businesses as well as Fortune 500 corporations. City representatives can help companies meet community leaders, find tax-saving programs and choose excellent business locations. They can also facilitate introductions to business groups.

Economic Development can:

  • Research answers to many questions that could help a company determine the profitability of a venture or to pick the best location
  • Provide information on the designated Tempe enterprise zone and redevelopment areas
  • Facilitate connections to state resources and incentives
  • Assist companies in finding space, real estate and leasing agents
  • Enroll business leaders in elite training classes and attend important networking events

 Call 480 350-8812 for details

Tempe: A Synopsis Tempe: A Synopsis
A smart city in the middle of the Phoenix metropolitan area, Tempe, Arizona combines the best urban amenities with fantastic weather and natural beauty.
Core Industries Core Industries
Blending the energy of a university community with the buzz of a world class urban city, Tempe is home to Fortune 500 companies, small business, and technology start-ups.
Premier Business Locations Premier Business Locations
From Class A high rise business towers with lake views to industrial warehouse space with rail access, Tempe has the perfect location for your business.
Business Programs Business Programs
Turn to Tempe Economic Development to find the state and local programs best suited to your needs.
Development Trends Development Trends

Get the latest information on development projects in Tempe including a project status timeline, a map showing where they are, contact information and an audio report by Mayor Hugh Hallman.

For Technology Specialists For Technology Specialists
Technology companies have their own special needs. Get all the information necessary for your unique business.
Videos and Maps Videos and Maps
See why Tempe is The Smart Place To Be.
Tempe Weather @ 12:43 AM
Temp:85.7F Humid:33% Wind:12.0mph (more)