Metropolitan King County Council
516 Third Ave., Rm. 1200
Seattle, WA 98104
Phone: 206-296-1000
Toll Free: 800-325-6165
TTY/TDD: 206-296-1024
Fax: 206-296-0198
Banner with councilmember headshots

Frequently Asked Questions

We'd like to hear from you. If your question is not answered here, please e-mail: and we will get back to you. Thanks for using the King County Council Web site.

Who is my councilmember? What council district do I live in?
Find your Council district and Councilmember by entering your street address into our online district look-up form.
How can I leave a message for all the councilmembers?
Messages to all nine members of the Council can be sent to: To contact an individual member, use the e-mail addresses here.
How can I obtain a copy of ordinances or motions? How did a councilmember vote?
The King County Council’s Legisearch system provides free access to information and unofficial copies of ordinances and motions for your convenience, including the action taken on legislation, meeting minutes, and member votes. Official copies of legislation must be obtained directly from the Clerk of the Council.
You can also watch Council and committee meetings live on King County Television, on Comcast and Millennium Cable Channel 22 throughout King County, or view streaming video of archived meetings on the KCTV archive page.
How can I get a copy of a past council meeting?
King County Television (KCTV), the government access channel for the citizens of King County, can provide copies of meetings and events that air on the station. There is an $18 for DVD's and $15 for VHS tapes, with payment in advance. Please allow one week for delivery. To order call 206-296-0301 or e-mail your request to

Where can I park my car when I come to a Council meeting?
There are a number of pay lots within walking distance of the King County Courthouse, as well as some limited street parking. When coming to the Courthouse, it is always a good idea to plan some extra time to find a parking place.

Why not leave the car at home? Many buses serve the downtown Seattle area. Visit to plan your trip.
How can I speak at a council meeting?
Please check the agenda of the meeting you plan to attend to see if there is a public hearing on your issue.  If there is, you can sign up to speak at the counter just outside Council chambers. Individuals may sign up only for themselves. This time may not be traded or pooled.

When the chair calls your name, please first state your name and city of residence for the record. Please limit your testimony to two minutes or whatever time the Council chair may designate, so that there is time for all to speak.

As a courtesy to others, please silence cell phones, pagers, and other electronic equipment. For safety, signs on sticks are not permitted. Signs may not be affixed to the walls or block the views of others. The Council chair may set additional guidelines at the beginning of a public hearing.

What time do council meetings start?
Morning meetings usually start at 9:30 a.m., with afternoon meetings set for either 1:30 or 3:00 p.m. Look up the agendas for Council meetings here or find committee agendas on our committee page.
Who is the Chair and Vice Chair?
For 2008, Julia Patterson is the Chair of the Metropolitan King County Council. Councilmembers Dow Constantine and Regan Dunn serve as Vice-Chairs.