Argonne National Laboratory

Small Angle Scattering

Special Interest Group

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Small-Angle Scattering Short Course 2008

"Beyond RG "

June 28-July 2, 2008
Advanced Photon Source, Argonne National Laboratory

Download pdf brochure with information

Sorry, registration closed, the course has filled in on 3/18/2008!

SAS imagesThe objective of the Small-Angle Scattering Short Course 2008 is to raise the capabilities of the small-angle scattering (SAS) community by providing an intermediate-level course for those in need of a better understanding of SAS theory, and techniques utilized at the APS.

The SAS short course offers an overview of SAS theory, capabilities, and data reduction and analysis tools to enable the community to submit highly effective beam-time proposals and to facilitate better utilization of the resources at the APS.

The course includes hands-on experiments at a selected APS small-angle x-ray scattering facility, and data reduction and evaluation.

Participants are expected to have attained at least a post-doctoral-level education and are encouraged to have a defined experimental program so that they can collect data for a set of samples that they bring.

Lecturers will be available during hands-on workshops for one-on-one discussion and experiments. A CD (for Windows systems) with examples of data reduction and analysis software, which participants will be able to use during and after the workshop, will be provided. Participants are encouraged to bring their own notebook computers.

Registration fee: $0 (free)
Number of participants is limited to 25. If needed, organizers reserve the right to select participants.

Registration: Registration closed
Registration opens: February 15, 2008
Registration deadline: May 15, 2008

Information about acceptance of registration will be sent to participants before May 22, 2008.

Participants will be responsible for their own transportation, accommodations, and meal costs. A limited number of rooms has been reserved at the Argonne Guest House:

Phone: 800.632.8990 or 630.739.6000
Fax: 630.739.1000

Participants are responsible for reserving these rooms.

Argonne National Laboratory
9700 S. Cass Ave., Bldg. 438E
Argonne, IL U.S.A.
attn: Jan Ilavsky
Phone: 630.252.0866 • Fax: 630.252.0862


The Dow Chemical Company

APS X-ray science division
Rayonix LLC / Mar USA


June 28: (Optional) Experiments
June 30-July 2: Lectures, data reduction, and modeling


Small-Angle Scattering Fundamentals
Sample Preparation and Experiments
Overview of Available Instrumentation and Techniques
Data Reduction Tools
Data Analysis Tools
Scientific Lectures on SAS in Materials Science, Chemistry, Biology, and Polymer Science
Strategies to Write Successful Beam-Time Proposals


Dale Schaefer, University of Cincinnati
Sunil K. Sinha, University of California, San Diego
Thiyaga P. Thiyagarajan, Argonne
David Tiede, Argonne
Randall E. Winans, Argonne
Byeongdu Lee, Argonne
Jan Ilavsky, Argonne
Peter R. Jemian, Argonne


Bonse-Hart USAXS: 32-ID (XOR,
Pinhole SAXS:

12-ID (XOR,
18-ID (Bio-CAT,

Details on the beamlines:


USAXS (32-ID), Materials Science SAXS, Bio SAXS


“Irena” & “Nika” (
NIST SAS package (


Top image: Small-angle scattering from aerogel as a function of axial or radial strain (courtesy of Johannes Pollanen, Northwestern University).
Middle image: Speckle pattern from coherent beam scattering of an aerogel (courtesy of L. Lurio, Northern Illinois University).
Bottom image: Key polyethylene crystalline and lamellae deformation mechanisms (courtesy of Brian Landes, Dow Chemical).

U.S. Department of Energy UChicago Argonne LLC Office of Science - Department of EnergyOffice of Basic Energy Sciences - Department of Energy
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