United States Department of Veterans Affairs
United States Department of Veterans Affairs

Public and Intergovernmental Affairs

Americans Honor Their Heroes on Veterans Day 2004

November 10, 2004

WASHINGTON – Secretary of Veterans Affairs Anthony J. Principi urged Americans to take time Nov. 11 to honor their heroes – from the doughboys of World War I and the members of "the greatest generation" to the men and women serving in uniform today in the war against terrorism.

"We owe so much to the men and women who stood on the ramparts of freedom to protect this country," Principi said. "They have earned our respect and admiration.  But, most especially, they have earned our thanks."

Principi will host the Veterans Day national observance at Arlington National Cemetery.  Country music host Bob Kingsley of "American Country Countdown" will emcee this year's ceremony, which begins on "the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month," when the armistice took effect in 1918 ending World War I.

Among the special events marking this year's Veterans Day is the inauguration of a special bus by the Veterans History Project that will travel to communities across the country to record oral histories of veterans for preservation in the Library of Congress.

The History Channel, in cooperation with the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and the Department of Education, will broadcast a documentary, "The Story of Veterans Day," on Nov. 11.  The 30-minute documentary examines the history and meaning of Veterans Day.

Also on Veterans Day, the Smithsonian's National Museum of American History opens a new exhibit, "The Price of Freedom," which examines the history of America's military from colonial times to the present.  Among the artifacts are Andrew Jackson's coat, the flag of a black unit that served during the Civil War, a World War II jeep, along with other items from all periods of U.S. military history.

Veterans Day ceremonies are planned at many of the 120 national cemeteries managed by VA, with others scheduled for the 157 hospitals operated by the department.  VA is also participating in 21 special regional Veterans Day events.

Information about Veterans Day, including teacher's guides and activities kits for children, is available on the Internet at www.va.gov/vetsday.

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