United States Department of Veterans Affairs
United States Department of Veterans Affairs

Public and Intergovernmental Affairs

VA Names Acting Head for Memorial Affairs

September 19, 2002

WASHINGTON -- Secretary of Veterans Affairs Anthony J. Principi has appointed S. Eric Benson as acting under secretary for memorial affairs.  Benson had been the senior advisor to Deputy Secretary Leo S. Mackay, Jr., since May 2001.  He replaces Robin L. Higgins, who recently resigned.

 As acting under secretary for one of the Department of Veterans Affairs' (VA) three administrations, Benson directs the operation and maintenance of 120 national cemeteries and oversees other memorial-related programs.  These include the distribution of headstones and markers for veterans' graves worldwide and a grants program to establish state veterans cemeteries. 

In his previous job as senior advisor, Benson oversaw the development of policy and operating procedures for the full range of VA's programs and services.  He was appointed by the White House and selected for the Senior Executive Service.  

Benson retired as a Navy captain in 2001 after serving 28 years with extensive leadership and combat experience.  He logged more than 5,000 hours flying fighter aircraft and made over 1,000 carrier landings.  Benson flew 44 combat missions in Operation Desert Storm.  He commanded Naval Air Station Oceana in Virginia Beach, Va., the world's largest tactical air base.

A graduate of Oklahoma State University in Stillwater, Benson was selected as a distinguished alumnus in 2000.  He earned a master's degree in international relations at Salve Regina College, Newport, R.I., and another master's degree in international security studies at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University, Medford, Mass.  He also attended the Naval War College.

Benson is a life member of several national veterans organizations.

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