United States Department of Veterans Affairs
United States Department of Veterans Affairs

Public and Intergovernmental Affairs

National Veterans Wheelchair Games Coming to Cleveland

May 14, 2002

WASHINGTON -- More than 500 veterans will compete in the largest annual wheelchair sports event in the world -- the 22nd National Veterans Wheelchair Games -- in Cleveland, Ohio, July 9-13, 2002.

The Games, presented by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and Paralyzed Veterans of America (PVA), are open to all U.S. military veterans who use wheelchairs for sports competition due to spinal cord injuries, certain neurological conditions, amputations, or other mobility impairments.  The Louis Stokes Cleveland VA Medical Center and the PVA Buckeye Chapter are hosting the Games this year.

Wheelchair sports play an important role in the lives of disabled people.  For many newly injured veterans, the Games are their first exposure to wheelchair athletics.

"The National Veterans Wheelchair Games is a source of pride for VA, improving the quality of life for thousands of veterans we serve," said Secretary of Veterans Affairs Anthony J. Principi.  "This event is a showcase for the therapeutic value of sports competition for anyone with a disability.  To see these competitors as they shoot a winning basket, hit the bullseye on the archery range, or score a home run in softball, reminds us how important it is to remain active and stay healthy.  They are role models for us all.”

"The National Veterans Wheelchair Games personify the spirit and mission of PVA: providing recreational opportunities that demonstrate the independence and capabilities of our members," said Joseph L. Fox, Sr., PVA national president. "The competition and camaraderie inherent in the Games lift the souls of the competitors and inspire all who observe."

In this year's events, veterans will compete in track and field, swimming, basketball, weightlifting, softball, air guns, quad rugby, 9-ball, bowling, table tennis, archery, a motorized rally, a 5-K road race, and wheelchair slalom.  Exhibition events this year include trap shooting, hand cycling, and a power soccer competition.

The 22st National Veterans Wheelchair Games kick off July 9 with the 2002 Disabled Sports, Recreation and Fitness Expo – one of the largest gatherings of suppliers of products and services related to the health, well-being, sports and recreational needs of people with disabilities.  Actress Bo Derek, star of the movie “10,” will attend the Games for the second year to visit with athletes and present medals.  July 10 is designated “Kids Day at the Games,” when local disabled children will interact with the wheelchair athletes, watch them compete in track, and participate in some sporting events.

Many of the National Veterans Wheelchair Games events will be held at the Cleveland Convention Center, which is also the site for opening and closing ceremonies.  Other event venues include the Cleveland State Natatorium, Brecksville-Broadview Heights High School, Euclid Sports Plant, Palisades Lanes, and other area locations. 

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VA is a world leader in rehabilitation, with recreation therapy programs at each of its 1300 care facilities.  To learn about VA and programs for veterans, visit www.va.gov.

Paralyzed Veterans of America, a veterans service organization chartered by Congress, has for more than 50 years served the needs of its members, all of whom have catastrophic paralysis caused by spinal cord injury or disease.  To learn about PVA, visit www.pva.org.

Media Inquiries
Kim Byers, VA Public Affairs Coordinator, NVWG, (734) 761-7824
Bob Ensinger, PVA Director of Communication, (202) 416-7681

For more information about the National Veterans Wheelchair Games, or to follow events as they happen, visit the Games website at: www.wheelchairgames.org

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