United States Department of Veterans Affairs
United States Department of Veterans Affairs

Public and Intergovernmental Affairs

VA Acknowledges New Rose Dedicated To Veterans

May 19, 1999

Washington, D.C. -- On May 27, as America enters the Memorial Day weekend, Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) medical and counseling centers across the country will acknowledge a new rose dedicated to the nation's veterans.

The Veterans' HonorRose, developed by Jackson  Perkins, the world's largest rose company, will be planted at VA medical centers and vet centers during special ceremonies dedicating the new rose as a living and lasting tribute to the men and women of the armed forces who have served and sacrificed for the nation.

Jackson  Perkins has donated rose bushes to VA for the May 27 planting ceremonies at VA health-care facilities. The company has pledged 10 percent of the proceeds from the rose's sale to VA's medical research program, which supports more than 7,000 investigators working on more than 15,000 projects primarily in clinical settings throughout the VA health-care system.
The Veterans' HonorRose was created specially at the personal recommendation of Dr. Kenneth W. Kizer.

"I wanted to create a commemorative rose to signify the pride and gratitude that we as citizens of this country have for our veterans. Without their sacrifices and beneficence, the freedoms that Americans and many other people around the world enjoy today would not be possible," Dr. Kizer noted.

Jackson  Perkins will unveil the new rose in the nation's capital May 27 at a ceremony at Arlington National Cemetery, where it will be planted in a memorial rose garden donated by the Oregon-based mail order rose company.

The Veterans' HonorRose is described as a "stunning dark red hybrid tea rose, with dark green, semi-glossy foliage and a light raspberry fragrance." The rose bush will grow to a height of about four feet and width of five feet. Its bloom is large, at 5.5 inches, with a high centered bud.

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