Adopted: December 4, 2003

General Plan 2030

General Plan 2030  chapters + maps are listed in the chart below.  All files are in Adobe Acrobat® portable document format [.pdf] ranging in size from 130 KB to 338 KB. In order to view the PDF files, download the free Adobe software to view documents by clicking the Adobe Reader icon. See 'Troubleshooting Tips' below for assistance.

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I.  Introduction 4,532 KB
  A.  Intro Statement  
  B.  Historic Timeline  
  C.  Regional Context  
  D.  Demographics + Statistics   
II.  GP History, Organization + Process 170 KB
  A.  Purpose, Authorization + Administration  
  B.  General Plan History  
  C.  How GP Relates to Other Planning Tools   
  D.  Summary of Public Participation Plan  
  E.  GP Amendment Process  
  F.  Document Organization  
III.  Land Use, Design + Development 338 KB
  A.  Land Use  
       Existing Land Use   Projected Land Use maps
       Existing Res. Density   Projected Res. Density   maps
  B.  Accessibility  
  C.  Community Design  
  D.  Historic Preservation  
       Historic Development   Post WWII Subdivisions maps
  E.  Housing  
  F.  Neighborhoods map
  G.  Redevelopment map
IV.  Economics + Growth 145 KB
  A.  Economic Development map
  B.  Cost of Development  
  C.  Growth Areas map
V.  Conservation 130 KB
  A.  Environment  [Air Quality, Noise Nuisance, Ambient Temperature, Energy]  
  B.  Land  [Remediation, Habitat, Solid Waste]  
  C.  Water  [Water, Wastewater, Stormwater] maps
VI.  Transportation 160 KB
          Transit Streets + Green Streets map
  A.  Pedestrian Network map
  B.  Bikeways map
  C.  Transit map
  D.  Travelways map
  E.  Motorists  
  F.  Parking + Access Management map
  G.  Aviation map
VII.  Open Space, Recreational + Cultural Amenities 199 KB
  A.  Open Space map
  B.  Recreational Amenities map
  C.  Public Art + Cultural Amenities maps
VIII.  Public Facilities + Services 164 KB
  A.  Public Buildings   [Public + Charter Schools] map
  B.  Public Services  
  C.  Human Services  
  D.  Public Safety  [Emergency Management, Fire, Law Enforcement] map
IX.  Appendix 238 KB
  A. Glossary map
  B. Sources Cited map
      C.  Ahwahnee Principles        
  D.  The Charter of the Congress of New Urbanism    
  E.  Index  
  F.  Acknowledgements  



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