United States Department of Veterans Affairs
United States Department of Veterans Affairs

VA E-Authentication

Credential Service Providers

Credential Service Providers (CSPs) are government or non-government entities that supply login IDs and passwords or Public Key Infrastructure Certificate credentials to the end-users of the E-Authentication system.  Currently, the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) is only working with one CSP and they are providing a login ID and password for users to log into the E-Authentication system.  The CSP that VA is working with is Operational Research Consultants (ORC).

You can get an ORC credential or log in with an existing ORC credential by following the link below.  If you do not have a login ID and password, click the link that says Create Account, then be sure to apply for a Level 2 credential by checking the box at the top of the form.  The Level 2 credential will require you to print out a form and have it notarized.  This process provides the level of security needed to access the VA applications that will be E-Authentication enabled in the near future. Instructions for filling out the forms are also provided on that website.


In the future more CSPs will be available for VA E-Authentication users, so occasionally check back at this site for the latest news.