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Life Stages

Power PantherEat Smart. Play Hard. for Kids
USDA. Food and Nutrition Service.
Interactive web site connects kids to healthy eating and physical activity learning and skill-building experiences within a virtual community setting. Includes songs, experiments, activity sheets, comics, clipart, worksheets, games, posters, e-cards, recipes, and more.
BAM! Body and Mind
DHHS. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Designed for kids 9-13 years old, BAM! provides information to help them make healthy lifestyle choices. The site uses games, quizzes, and other interactive features to teach kids about topics such as food and nutrition, physical activity, and general safety.
Milk Matters for Kids!
DHHS. NIH. National Institute of Child Health & Human Development.
Provides interactive games and activities to help kids learn more about calcium and its importance for strong bones and healthy teeth. Learn how much calcium is needed daily and what foods contain calcium.
SmallStep Kids
Department of Health and Human Services.
Games and other activities to help kids learn about healthy eating and physical activity. Also in Spanish .
VERB. It's what you do.
DHHS. CDC. National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion.
Specifically for tweens, this website offers activities and games to make physical activity cool and fun.
Three childrenBodyWise
DHHS. OWH. National Women's Health Information Center.
Supports and educates girls ages 9-13 on the importance of positive health behaviors and body image.
  • Body Image & You!
  • Eating Right the Girl Power! Way
  • Feeling Fit!
  • Facts about Eating Disorders
  • Keeping Up With Your Body
  • Resource Guide to Nutrition, Fitness, and Eating Disorders
  • Divider
    Powerful Bones. Powerful Girls™.
    DHHS. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
    Site for young girls featuring games, quizzes, e-postcards, and ideas for increasing calcium consumption. Part of the National Bone Health Campaign to promote optimal bone health and reduce the risk of osteoporosis.
    DHHS. OWH. National Women's Health Information Center.
    Created to help girls (ages 10-16) learn about health, growing up, and issues they may face.
    Divider Body Mass Index Calculator
    DHHS. OWH. National Women's Health Information Center.
    Provides a BMI calculator for girls ages 10-16, and offers instructions on how to interpret the results.
    FDA for Kids, Teens, & Educators
    DHHS. FDA. Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition.
    Provides a variety of different teaching resources designed to help children learn about food safety. Also provides a link to resources students can use when writing school reports.
    Food Safety Quiz for Kids
    DHHS. Food and Drug Administration.
    Quiz teaches children about correct food safety practices.

    Last Modified: May 12, 2008  
    Life Stages
					   General Resources
					   For Kids
					   For Parents, Caregivers, and Teachers
    MyPyramid for Kids
    Eat Smart. Play Hard. For Kids
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