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Oak Ridge National Laboratory

2006 Community Shares Campaign Cabinet

Chair Mac Post 576-3431 postwmiii@ornl.gov
Co-Chair Bo Saulsbury 574-4694 saulsburyjw@ornl.gov
Treasurer Cindy Kendrick 241-6584 kendrickcm@ornl.gov
Publicity Brian Spalding 574-7265 spaldingbp@ornl.gov
Publicity Mark Bevelhimer 576-0266 bevelhimerms@ornl.gov
Publicity Wilson McGinn 576-2734 mcginncw@ornl.gov
General Support Mylissa Buttram 576-2436 buttramms@ornl.gov


Donations to Community Shares are tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law. To make a contribution obtain the Payroll form ORNL Community Shares Authorization and Record (ORNL-590), fill out and send to:

Cindy Kendrick
ORNL Community Shares Campaign Treasurer
Building 4500N, Room 125Q, MS-6196
865-241-6584 kendrickcm@ornl.gov

You may do this at any time, not just during the Community Shares campaign, and deductions will take place starting the following pay period. You may also select a one-time payroll deduction with this form.

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