Jane W Fountain, Ph.D.

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  Program Director, Extramural Research Program
Neuroscience Center, Room  2110
6001 Executive Blvd MSC 9521
Bethesda, MD 20892-9521


Dr. Fountain joined NINDS in 2005 as a Program Director in the Neural Environment Cluster.  She currently oversees the brain tumor, tuberous sclerosis, and glial biology portfolios.  Dr. Fountain received her bachelor’s degree from the University of Virginia and a Ph.D. in Human Genetics from the University of Michigan.  After postdoctoral training at M.I.T., she became an Assistant to Associate Professor in the Institute for Genetic Medicine, Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, at the University of Southern California.  While there, she performed research focused on identifying and characterizing tumor suppressor genes involved in sporadic and familial melanoma.  As a graduate student, she was part of a team that localized and identified the von Recklinghausen neurofibromatosis (NF1) gene.  Prior to joining NINDS, Dr. Fountain was a Program Director at the National Cancer Institute (NCI) for five years where she oversaw large, multi-disciplinary, translational [Specialized Program of Research Excellence (SPORE)] grants on brain tumors, gynecological cancers, and skin cancer.  Her interests lie in promoting interactions that facilitate the translation of basic discoveries into clinical applications and encourage collaborations between investigators with diverse expertise.      

Date Last Modified Wednesday, January 03, 2007