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Oregon Military Department Volunteer Picture
Press Release
July, 06, 2008
Oregon Army NG to dispatch UH-60 helicopter and Medevac crew to assist in rescue on Mt. Hood
At the request of the Clackamas County Sheriff's Office and the Office of Emergency Management, the Oregon Army National Guard is preparing to launch one UH-60 Blackhawk helicopter from the Army Aviation Support Facility #1 in Salem, Ore. to assist in the rescue of an injured climber on Hogsback Mountain on Mt. Hood.

Piloting the aircraft will be Chief Warrant Officer 4 Rick Chagnon and 1st Lt. Craig Sheely, Crew Chief is Staff Sgt. James Tourneau and the Flight Medics are Sgt. William Welbourne and Sgt. Christopher Skidmore. The anticipated launch time is 1:45 today.

It is anticipated that the climber will be removed from the mountain using the hoist operation and likely be transported to Legacy Emanuel Hospitasl in Portland, Ore.

The Clackamas County Sheriff's Office is the lead agency in this operation.
Contact Info:
Kay Fristad

Page updated: July 07, 2008

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