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Case Documents
Case: Commencement Bay, WA

Laws and Regulations/Legal Documents

Consent Decrees/Related Documents

Agreement and Covenant Not to Sue Ace Tank & Equipment Company, in the matter of Ace Tank & Equipment Company, agreement 10-09-0063-CERCLA (EPA Region 10, July 29, 1998).

Consent Decree, United States v. City of Tacoma and Tacoma Public Utility, Civ. No. C97-5336RJB (W.D. Wash., Dec. 30, 1997). Complaint/Notice of Lodging.

United States, State of Washington, Puyallup Tribe of Indians and Muckleshoot Indian Tribe v. Port of Tacoma, Civ. No. C93-5462 (W.D. Wash.). File 1, File 2, File 3.

Consent Decree, United States et al. v. State of Washington through the Washington Department of Natural Resources, Civ. No. C97-5337RJB (W.D. Wash., Dec. 30, 1997). Complaint/Notice of Lodging.

Trustee Coordination and Management

Memoranda of Understanding/Memoranda of Agreement

U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Department of Commerce, and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Record of Decision, Commencement Bay Natural Resource Damage Assessment: Resotration Plan Pierce County, Washington, October 1997.

Cooperative Agreement Among Puyallup Tribe of Indians, Muckleshoot Indian Tribe, Washington Department of Ecology, Washington Department of Natural Resources, Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of the Interior, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and Bureau of Indian Affairs Regarding "Yowkwala Property" Restoration Project, December 20, 2000.


State of Washington, Department of Ecology, to Dr. John O'Lauglin (Swan Creek restoration state verification letter), October 9, 2000.

Injury Assessment


Preassessment Screen of the Natural Resource Damages in the Commencement Bay Environment Due to Activities Taking Place In and About the Commencement Bay/Nearshore Tideflats (CB/NT) Superfund Site, October 29, 1991.

Hylebos Waterway

Hylebos Waterway NRDA Settlement Proposal Report.

  • Reviewers Guide. Includes Table RG-1 and Table RG-2.
  • Report.
  • Appendix A: Habitat Equivalency Analysis: An Overview.
  • Appendix B: Discounting and the Treatment of Uncertainty in Natural Resource Damage Assessment.
  • Appendix C: Determining Habitat Value and Time to Sustained Function.
  • Appendix D: Report: Defining Injuries to Natural Resources in Hylebos Waterway. Supplement 1: Calculating and Separating the Effects of Multiple Contaminants. Supplement 2: Associating Ecosystem Service Loss with Indicators of Toxicity in Habitat Equivalency Analysis.
  • Appendix D Addendum: Sediment Chemistry Data Preparation.
  • Appendix E: How Habitat and Sediment Injury Information is Mapped Via a Geographic Information System: Spatial Analysis of Sediment Chemistry Data.
  • Appendix F: Equating Contaminant-Related Ecological Service Losses and Restoration-Generated Service Gains for the Hylebos Waterway Using Habitat Equivalency Analysis.
  • Appendix G: Determining Discounted Service Acre-Year (DSAY) Credits for Example Habitat Restoration Project.
  • Appendix H: Natural Resource Damage Allocation of Injuries to Natural Resources in the Hylebos Waterway. Includes Figure 2-2 and Table 3-1.
  • Appendix H1: SOC Distribution Maps.
  • Appendices H2 through H6: Site Activity Report. Appendix H3: Site Contaminantion Report. Appendix H4: Trigger Report. Appendix H5: Regression Analysis for Applied Distribution Factors. Appendix H6: References.
  • Appendix I: Commencement Bay Natural Resource Damage Assessment Restoration Monitoring Program.
  • Appendix J: Allocation of Natural Resource Damage Assessment Costs Incurred in Connection with the Hylebos Waterway.

Middle Waterway (City)

Biological Assessment for 1999-2-00029, Tacoma Public Works, Nationwide Permit 38, June 8, 1999.

City of Tacoma Middle Waterway Shore Restoration Project—Environmental Assessment and Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI), June 15, 2000.

Middle Waterway (Shore)

Finding of No Significant Impact: Middle Waterway Restoration Project, Commencement Bay, Washington (also includes permit information), March 21, 1995.

Finding of No Significant Impact: Middle Waterway Restoration Project, Commencement Bay, Washington (also includes supplemental FONSI information, including ESA/EFH consultation), March 3, 2000.


Environmental Assessment, Commencement Bay, Washington: Wasser Winter, Nursery, and Meeker Restoration Projects, December 1999.

Squally Beach

Environmental Assessment, Commencement Bay, Washington: Wasser Winter, Nursery, and Meeker Restoration Projects, December 1999.

Skookum Wulge

Environmental Assessment, Commencement Bay, Washington: Wasser Winter, Nursery, and Meeker Restoration Projects, December 1999.

Swan Creek

Swan Creek Restoration Project: Finding No Signficant Impact and Environmental Assessment, April 30, 2001.

Tidal Wetland Plants Distribution and Primary Control: Factors in Commencement Bay, April 2000. File 1, File 2, File 3.


Commencement Bay Washington: Oline Property Habitat Enhancement Project, Biological Evaluation, November 1999. Appendix 4: Biological Evaluation, Background Information.

Environmental Assessment Commencement Bay, Washington: Wasser/Winter, Puyallup Nursery, and Meeker Site Restoration Projects (environmental assessment and finding of no significant impact), December 1999. Appendix 3.

ESA/EFH Consultation Letters, July 1, 2000.

Supplemental Environmental Assessment and Finding of No Significant Impact—Oline Parcel Restoration Project, January 7, 2000.

Aquatic Resources (Benthic, Fish and Shellfish Resources)

Hylebos Fish Injury Study Round 2, Part 1: Effects of Chemical Contaminants from the Hylebos Waterway on Disease Resistance of Juvenile Chinook Salmon, August 1998. Executive Summary and Preliminary Narrative (without figures and tables), File 2, File 3, File 4.

Hylebos Fish Injury Study Round 2, Part 2: Effects of Chemical Contaminants from the Hylebos Waterway on Growth of Juvenile Chinook Salmon, August 1998. Executive Summary and Preliminary Narrative (without figures and tables), File 2, File 3, File 4.

Hylebos Fish Injury Study Round 2, Part 3: Exposure of Juvenile Chinook Salmon to Chemical Contaminants Specific to the Hylebos Waterway: Tissue Concentrations and Biochemical Responses, August 1998. Executive Summary and Preliminary Narrative (without figures and tables), File 2, File 3, File 4.

Commencement Bay Damage Assessment Studies: Hylebos Waterway Data and Data Analysis Report, February 1996.

Phase 1 Damage Assessment. Available in zipped WordPerfect files: File 1, File 2; File 3.

Sampling and Analysis Plan for the Final Phase of the Hylebos Waterway Round 3 Fish Injury Pilot Study, June 30, 2000. File 1, File 2, File 3.

Birds and Wildlife

Data Report on a Reconnaissance-Level Assessment for Avian Injury in Commencement Bay, April 1999. File 1, File 2, File 3, File 4, File 5, File 6, File 7, File 8, File 9, File 10.


Restoration Planning/Restoration Plan

Commencement Bay Natural Resource Restoration Plan, June 1997.

Sediment Cleanup Goals for Active Natural Resource Restoration Projects, n.d.

Hylebos Marsh and Wildlife Habitat Restoration Project Concept Plan, March 1997.

Middle Waterway Estuarine Natural Resources Restoration Project Concept Plan/Sampling and Analysis Plan, March 1997. File 1, File 2.

Commencement Bay Restoration Hylebos Creek Site Alternative A, April 1999.

Commencement Bay Restoration Hylebos Creek Site Alternative B, April 1999.

Olympic View Resource Area Project Concept Plan, March 1997.

Commencement Bay Restoration Nursery Site Alternative A (Squally Beach), April 1999.

Commencement Bay Restoration Nursery Site Alternative B (Squally Beach), April 1999.

Swan Creek Stream Restoration Project Concept Plan, March 1997.

Tahoma Salt Marsh Restoration Project Concept Plan, March 1997.

Commencement Bay Restoration: Jordan Site Planning.

Restoration Implementation/Statements of Work

Monitoring Plan

Engineer's Post-Restoration Report: Mowitch and Squally Beach Projects (Mowitch), December 2000. File 1, File 2.

Engineer's Post-Restoration Report: Mowitch and Squally Beach Projects (Squally Beach), December 2000. File 1, File 2.

Engineer's Post-Restoration Report: Mowitch and Squally Beach Projects (Skookum Wulge), December 2000. File 1, File 2.

Swan Creek

Letter regarding permit status, July 14, 2000. File 1, File 2.

Intra-Service Section 7 Biological Evaluation Form (ESA consultation), April 26, 2000.

Informal ESA Section 7 Consultation and Concurrence with a Determination of Not Likely To Adversely Affect Listed Species for the Proposed Swan Creek Stream Restoration Project, April 14, 2000.

Design of Swan Creek Stream and Wetland Enhancement, April 11, 2000. File 1, File 2, File 3.

Swan Creek Restoration/Haire Wetland Enhancement, Wetland Application Numbers 280398 and 293207 (approval of plan), March 13, 2000.

Hydraulic Project Approval, December 15, 1999.

JARPA Form, November 22, 1999. File 1, File 2.

Swan Creek Channel Creation and Stream and Wetland Enhancement: Biological Evaluation Draft Report, November 3, 1999. File 1, File 2, File 3, File 4.

Wetland Development Permit Application File No. WET 99-00005 (Swan Creek), August 24, 1999. File 1, File 2.

Determination of Nonsignificance (Swan Creek), August 24, 1999.

Environmental Checklist, May 27, 1999. File 1, File 2.

Restoration Montoring

Monitoring Plan/Milestone Report

Commencement Bay Natural Resource Damage Assessment (CB/NRDA) Restoration Monitoring Program

Year 1 (2002) Monitoring Report for Commencement Bay Habitat Restoration Sites

Middle Waterway (City)

Habitat Monitoring Report: Year 0 City of Tacoma Middle Waterway Restoration Report, October 2001. File 1, File 2.

Habitat Monitoring Report: Year 1 City of Tacoma Middle Waterway Restoration Report, Year 1 Monitoring Report, March 2003. File 1, Figures and Photos (Color), Figures and Photos (Grayscale).

Middle Waterway (Shore)

Monitoring Plan: Middle Waterway (Trustee/Simpson), n.d.

Middle Waterway (Shore) Restoration Project Monitoring and Adaptive Management Plan Data Report: Post-Construction Year 0-1, January 1997.

Middle Waterway (Shore) Restoration Project Monitoring and Adaptive Management Plan Data Report: Post-Construction Year 2, December 1997.

Middle Waterway (Shore) Restoration Project Monitoring and Adaptive Management Plan Data Report: Post-Construction Year 3, November 1998. Appendix 1, Appendix 2.

Shore Restoration Project Monitoring and Adaptive Management Plan Data Report: Post-Construction Year 5, April 2001.

Shore Restoration Project Monitoring and Adaptive Management Plan Data Report: Post-Construction Year 5, final report, March 2002.


Monitoring Plan: Mowitch, n.d.

Skookum Wulge

Monitoring Plan: Skookum Wulge, n.d.

Squally Beach

Monitoring Plan: Squally Beach, n.d.


Monitoring Plan: Yowkwala, n.d.

Adaptive Management Decisions

Middle Waterway Shore Restoration Project Adaptive Management Report 1999-2000, n.d.

Middle Waterway Shore Adaptative Management Plan, July 15, 2003.

Public Outreach and Involvement

Public Outreach

Proposed Settlement for Sediment-Based Injuries to Natural Resources in Hylebos Waterway, Commencement Bay, presentation, April 24, 2002.

An Invitation to Celebrate Restoration in Commencement Bay, public meeting handouts, October 11, 2000.

Commencement Bay NRDA Restoration Fact Sheet 2: Vision (working draft), January 2, 1998.

Press Releases

November 30, 1995, "Companies To Restore Marine and Wildlife Habitat in Commencement Bay."

April 3, 1996, "Landmark Settlement Approves Companies' Habitat Restoration Projects for Commencement Bay."

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