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Dry Beans

Planted Acreage by Year, US and Major States

Harvested Acreage & Production by Year, US

Production by Year, US and Major States

Production by State, US

Top 10 Counties by Production, US

Production by Class, US

Black Beans: Production by Year, US

Great Northern Beans: Production by Year, US

Lima Beans: Production by Year, US

Navy Beans: Production by Year, US

Pink Beans: Production by Year, US

Pinto Beans: Production by Year, US

Red Kidney Beans: Production by Year, US

Small Red Beans: Production by Year, US


Dry Edible Beans County Maps

Planted Acreage by County  GIF | PDF

Harvested Acreage by County  GIF | PDF

Yield per Harvested Acre by County  GIF | PDF

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