Online Course Catalog Help

Acronyms Used

National Emergency Training Center; home of the National Fire Academy and Emergency Management Institute
National Fire Academy
Emergency Management Institute

Delivery Type

Direct Delivery
Two-day NFA-supported courses delivered through State and local fire training systems.
Course materials developed for locally sponsored delivery.
Off-Campus Hazmat
NFA-supported courses delivered through State and local fire training systems.
Resident delivery of courses still in a testing or modification phase.
Regional Delivery
Provides fire service and allied professionals the opportunity to attend NFA resident courses within their geographical region. Regional Delivery courses normally mirror resident courses taught at NETC .
Courses held at NETC, Mt. Weather or the Noble Training Center.
Resident VIP
Six-day NFA courses held at NETC and designed specifically for volunteer and combination department emergency services personnel.
Independent Study
Self-paced courses designed for emergency managers, the fire service and its allied professions and the general public.
State Weekend
Direct Delivery courses selected by states participating in the NFA State Weekend Program and delivered at NETC.
Resident deliveries for selected NFA and EMI instructors to become familiar with course materials and method of delivery for new courses.


Application Period Open
Applications are currently being accepted.
Application Period Not Open
Applications are currently not being accepted.
Call for Information
Please call the phone number provided for more information on this course.
Enroll Online
This course if offered through the NETC Virtual Campus. Registration, course materials and testing are accomplished through the Virtual Campus.
Maximum student enrollment for the course offering has been reached.
Order Online
This course may be ordered through the Internet at the web site address provided.
State/Local Opportunity
This course is delivered through a State or local agency or organization.
Applications for this course delivery are being accepted.
Wait List Opportunity
The course offering is currently full but applications are being accepted. Eligible applicants will be selected provided the class roster falls below the allotted attendance level.