Welcome to King County's Commute Trip Reduction (CTR) Services website!

This website is intended as a resource for Employee Transportation Coordinators (ETCs) at CTR-affected companies throughout King County. ETCs are critical in the fight against traffic congestion and climate change by helping their employees make smart - and green - commutes.

Inside our website you'll find:

In 2007, as a result of the efforts of ETCs in developing and implementing CTR programs at their companies, CTR commuters state-wide reduced over 85,000 tons of greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 equivalent).  Click here to view more CTR facts (2.23MB.PPT). Thank you for making a difference!

CTR Services contracts with cities in King County to assist in the implementation and enforcement of their CTR ordinances and to provide direct service to employers affected by the CTR Law.  




Talk about a Green Commute!!


Wheel Options is the easy-to-use commuter promotion offered twice each year to ETCs.  This fall Wheel Options will be rewarding one lucky commuter with $2,500 in cash!  And, it will also reward 10 lucky (and hard-working ETCs with $50.  Read more!



Introducing the Green Bike Project!


REI, Cascade Bicycle Club, Washington State DOT and King County are partnering to convert 300 drive-alone commuters into bicycle commuters!  The Green Bike Project is providing 200 new award-winning commuter bikes, 100 tune-ups for existing bikes, bike safety training and more to 20 - 30 CTR-affected worksites.    Read more!


Commute Trip Reduction


The intent of the CTR law is to reduce traffic congestion, air pollution, and energy use. It requires major employers to implement programs to reduce the number of employees who drive alone to work.
Read more