Dept. of Transportation
Metro Transit Division

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Metro VanShare Program, the missing link...

...bridging the gap between you and public transportation!

Sound familiar?

"I want to commute by bus but can't get to it."

Now you can park a van at home or a transportation hub (rail station, Park & Ride lot or ferry dock) and use it to bridge the gap in your commute trip. Metro VanShare provides the van to groups of five or more commuters connecting them to buses, trains or ferries.

"VanShare has made it possible for me and others in my group to ride Sounder (train) and leave our cars at home. It's the way to go!" -Wesley H., Puyallup to SODO area, S. Seattle

Want to know more about this easy and wonderful way to make commuting connections? Here is the VanShare brochure [.PDF 3.4 mb]. If you have additional questions, please contact the VanShare Coordinator at or call 206-625-4500.

Interested in becoming a VanShare driver or forming your own VanShare group?

Interested in joining a VanShare group as a rider?

Contact the VanShare Program Coordinator at Metro Rideshare Operations: (e-mail), 206-625-4500, 1-800-427-8249 (toll-free) or TTY Relay 1-800-833-6388, 206-684-2166 (fax), M.S. YES-TR-0700, 400 Yesler Way, Seattle WA. 98104-2683 (mail).