Dept. of Transportation
Metro Transit Division

King Street Center
201 S Jackson St
Seattle, WA 98104
Metro Online Home

Employer Commute Services
Make commuting easier for your employees

Note What's New

Metro's new Pre-tax Tool Kit can help your company start a pre-tax commuter benefit. Everything you need from forms to posters to flyers for employees.

Pre-tax Quick Course
Let us show you how
Class Registration form.

New in 2007: Business Transportation 'Head' Tax for companies with employees working in Seattle.

Join hundreds of other King County employers, large and small, who have already discovered the value of employee transportation benefits.

The links below address the typical questions asked about employer commute programs.

For additional assistance fill out the company information form or contact Employer Services by e-mail or by phone 206-263-3444.

Interested in applying for a job at Metro Transit? See the King County job site or information about driving part time for Metro.