Home Based Business

Many people prefer to telecommute or work out of the comfortable setting of their own home. Tempe welcomes people to operate a business from their home with some conditions.  Please call Tempe's Tax and License Division at (480) 350-2955 for additional information.

Here is a simplified version of Tempe’s rules for operating home-based businesses.

1.      The entire business operation should take place inside the buildings on the property.

2.      No employees, other than family members, should be allowed to work from the home.

3.      No outside signage is permitted.

4.      Noise, smoke, glare, heat and odors should be no different than those that other homes produce.

5.      Neighborhood traffic cannot be increased by the business.

6.      Office hours should be between 7 a.m. and 10 p.m.

7.      Some kinds of home-based businesses are not permitted at all, including retail shops, animal-related services, auto repair shops, real estate, beauty salons, restaurants, massage parlors or adult -oriented businesses.