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Lessons Learned Issued in 2001
Ineffective Training Management Delayed Urgent Work

Date: August 24, 2001

Identifier:  2001-RL-HNF-0031

Lessons Learned Statement:
The training status of personnel with specialized training or qualification should be verified well in advance of critical path evolutions that require that special qualification.

Trainers must be technically qualified in a specific area before they train other personnel in that area.

Discussion of Activities:
On January 30, 2001, an individual was trained by River Corridor Project (RCP) Training to train and evaluate (OJT/OJE) other personnel to operate two class 1 cranes used in repackaging uranium billets. On January 31, 2001, that newly trained evaluator conducted and documented the OJT/OJE for two Nuclear Chemical Operators (NCO's) and forwarded the documentation to FH Training Regulations and Standards for review, concurrence, and authentication. Training Regulations and Standards immediately notified RCP that the newly trained evaluator was not qualified to perform the training because his technical crane qualification had lapsed. RCP Training subsequently rescinded the new evaluator's qualification as well as that of the two NCO's trained by that evaluator.

Building 3712 uranium billet repackaging operations were subsequently delayed until a qualified OJT/OJE trainer retrained the two NCO's. Eight other workers for that job were idle during the retraining process.

The training system checks and balances were designed to ensure that only thoroughly trained operators evaluated by qualified instructors/evaluators operate mechanical systems or equipment as required by OSHA. In this situation, the system functioned as intended.

The OJT/OJE evaluator in question had incorrectly assumed that his status as a previously qualified class 1 crane operator permitted him to evaluate Crane OJT/OJE operators. He therefore scheduled his OJT/OJE evaluator evaluation with RCP Training.

RCP Training did not confirm the instructor trainee's technical qualification to operate a crane. Although his other qualifications for forklift and aerial lift were current, his crane operator qualifications had lapsed. 

At no time were the newly qualified NCO Crane Operators allowed to operate cranes until they had been properly checked out by a qualified evaluator and the documentation submitted, verified, and recorded. 

Recommended actions:
RCP Training has verified that its procedures require prerequisite qualifications of an individual be complete before initiating instructor qualifications for him or her.

Estimated Savings/Cost Avoidance: N/A

Priority Descriptor: BLUE/Information

Work / Function: Training and Qualifications

Hanford-Defined Category:  N/A

Hazard(s): Other - unqualified operators

ISM Core Function(s): Feedback and Improvement

Originator:  Fluor Hanford, Inc.

Contact:  Project Hanford Lessons Learned Coordinator; (509) 373-7664; FAX 376-6112; e-mail:

Authorized Derivative Classifier: Not required

Reviewing Official: John Bickford

Keywords: OJT/OJE; technical qualification; crane; 

References: None

  Last Updated: 07/01/2005 11:47 AM
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