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The Cornerstone Report: Volume 2, Issue 3

ICE Gets Its Message Out To The Gaming Industry At The G2E Expo

Photo shows the entrance of the 5th annual Global Gaming Expo.
Opening day at 5th annual Global Gaming Expo

This September, the American Gaming Association held its 5th annual Global Gaming Expo (G2E) at the Las Vegas Convention Center. As in the four previous years, it was well attended by thousands of industry vendors, casino executives, gaming enforcement officials and the public at large. In all there were over 26,000 attendees from 99 countries. On display was everything one might expect at a gaming convention, from the latest slot machines and robotic card-dealers to high-tech security and cash vending systems. This year, however, there was a new exhibitor—U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).

The G2E was attended by agents from the ICE Office of Investigations’ Financial and Trade Investigations Division’s Cornerstone Unit, as well as the ICE Office of Investigations’ Las Vegas field office. ICE’s goal was to educate the international casino and gaming industry on the vulnerabilities of money laundering through casinos and the importance of strong anti-money laundering programs. Agents ran an information booth and interacted with the public.

ICE agents also participated in panel discussions and lectures, where they addressed ICE’s mission in combating international financial and trade crimes, the effectiveness of Bank Secrecy Act reporting requirements in helping to identify criminal activity, and the Cornerstone initiative, a major private-sector outreach program of ICE.

By the conclusion of the Expo, ICE had made many new contacts with security and compliance personnel from the gaming industry and gaming enforcement officials. Overall, ICE succeeded in getting its desired message out to the gaming community: Like other cash-based industries, casinos need to remain vigilant in the fight against exploitation by criminal organizations. And, since 2003, they have a dedicated ally in that fight—ICE.

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