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Republic of Macedonia

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Mission Director: Michael Fritz

Skopje for USAID
Washington, DC 20521-7120
Tel: 389-2-308-0446
Fax: 389-2-308-0449


Macedonia’s strategic location in the Balkans has made maintaining peace and stability within the country key U.S. priorities. To this end, the U.S. was a signatory to the 2001 Ohrid Framework Agreement, which brought an end to conflict between ethnic Albanian insurgents and government security forces. Macedonia’s main challenges are to reduce corruption, revive the economy and create jobs, and improve the quality of education. In December 2005, the European Council granted Macedonia European Union (EU) candidate status, but did not set a date for the start of accession negotiations. The U.S. supports Macedonia’s entry into the EU and North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), with the USAID program focused on strengthening economic growth, good governance, and education.

Macedonia in Action

A court customer requests receives assistance with completing a recent public opinion survey on court services in Macedonia.Survey Finds 70% Satisfied with Macedonia Court Services

A recent public opinion survey, conducted with the help of USAID’s Judicial Reform Implementation Project (JRIP), revealed that 70 percent of customers are satisfied with court services in Macedonia... Read More ...

Related Items: Macedonia, Democracy

USAID has helped to develop Macedonia's civil society by providing technical support to NGOs, such as the Youth Cultural Center in Ohrid.Macedonia Civil Society Flourishing with USAID Support

On June 6, 2008, the $5 million USAID Civil Society Strengthening Project (CSSP) marked the successful completion of its third year of working to make Macedonia’s civil society a more effective, influential, and permanent partner alongside government and business... Read More ...

Related Items: Macedonia

At the Dane Krapcev primary school in Skopje, Administrator Fore spoke with students, teachers, and USAID specialists about Macedonia’s education system. USAID funded renovations and the purchase of computer equipment for the school; students have since formed a volunteer club to maintain the equipment.Macedonia Visit Highlights Challenges and Potential

On June 8, 2008, USAID Administrator Henrietta Fore traveled to Macedonia for a two-day visit packed with high profile briefings, visits to USAID project sites, and meetings with private citizens and beneficiaries of USAID assistance... Read More ...

Related Items: Macedonia, Education

CIRA LogoMacedonians Respond with Enthusiasm to Philanthropic Challenge

The Center for Institutional Development (CIRa), one of the key implementing partners of the USAID-funded Civil Society Strengthening Project, recently undertook a groundbreaking program to encourage philanthropy among Macedonian companies and individuals... Read More ...

Related Items: Macedonia, Social Programs

Macedonian schoolchildren work in their new computer lab, established through USAID's e-Schools Project.e-Schools Project Brings Technology into Macedonia’s Classrooms

In modern society, computer technology goes hand-in-hand with education and child development. Interactive educational software, online libraries, virtual chat-rooms where teachers and students can exchange ideas and methodologies–-all are effective tools that help children learn better, faster... Read More ...

Related Items: Macedonia, Education

Ivan Turanov, owner of Turan Winery in Macedonia, examines new South African table grapes during a recent exchange through the USAID Agribusiness Project.Exchange Provides Seeds for Innovation in Table Grape Industry

With financial and technical support from the USAID Agribusiness Project, representatives of Macedonia’s five leading table grape businesses visited Cape Town, South Africa to learn from the owners of the best table grape vineyards in the world... Read More ...

Related Items: Macedonia, Business Development

USAID Communications Director Olya Catto (right) presents the Award for Best Electronic Media Program to Mladen Cadikovski of A1USAID, Partner Present Macedonia’s Civil Society Media Awards

A free and open society is characterized by independent and responsible media on one hand, and a vibrant and active civil society on the other... Read More ...

Related Items: Macedonia, Democracy

Children in Strumica present an educational program on plastic recyclingChildren Play Key Role in Recycling Project

Understanding the importance of a clean environment begins at an early age. This is why children are the primary target audience for the USAID/Macedonia Plastic Recycling Project’s outreach campaign... Read More ...

Related Items: Macedonia, Environment

ESE domestic violence NGO logoStudy Finds 50% of Macedonia’s Women Fall Prey to Domestic Violence

The Association of Emancipation, Solidarity and Equality of Women (ESE), a nongovernmental organization (NGO) supported by the USAID Civil Society Strengthening Project, recently released a comprehensive study on the state of domestic violence in Macedonia... Read More ...

Related Items: Macedonia, Social Programs

Minister of Finance Trajko Slaveski, Director of the Public Procurement Bureau Mare Bogeva-Micovska and U.S. Deputy Chief of Mission Thomas Navratil present the new Law on Public ProcurementNew Law Boosts Procurement Transparency

The USAID Business Environment Activity and e-Government Project played a key role in the development of the new Law on Public Procurement in the Republic of Macedonia... Read More ...

Related Items: Macedonia, Rule of Law

Milena Nitraj with members of the nongovernmental organization ARKACitizenship Offers Hope for Macedonia’s Roma

For years, USAID has worked to help Macedonia’s Roma community claim basic rights—including the right to legal employment or unemployment registration, basic free health care, social welfare, and access to public education—through citizenship... Read More ...

Related Items: Macedonia, Education

Children in the Macedonian town of Vasilevo celebrate the installation of new energy efficient windowsRenovations Completed at Eight Macedonian Primary Schools

Eight Macedonian schools received a total of $300,000 from USAID and $44,000 from their local municipalities for major renovations, which were recently completed as part of the first round of USAID’s Primary Education Project... Read More ...

Related Items: Macedonia, Education

Recycling centers in the City of Skopje (with children) and Strumica“Ecological islands” to Clear Streets of Recyclable Waste

The USAID Plastic Recycling project, through public-private partnerships, has been setting up a program to collect and process recyclable plastic bottles, and to turn recycling into a viable business in Macedonia... Read More ...

Related Items: Macedonia, Environment

Installation of energy-efficient windows and heating systems are among the renovations being made to Macedonia's primary schools through USAID's Primary Education ProjectSchool Renovations Result in More Funds for Education

On October 25, 2007, the students of the “7 Marsi” primary school in Celopek, within the municipality of Brvenica, Macedonia, will mark the newest addition to their school building – new energy-efficient windows... Read More ...

Related Items: Macedonia, Education

Through his active involvement with USAID's Primary Education Project, Proeski traveled to cities across Macedonia to raise awareness and support for the country's schoolsUSAID Mourns Loss of Macedonian Megastar, Partner

Eleven days before the tragic automobile accident that claimed his life, 26-year-old pop megastar Tose Proeski allied with USAID to hold Macedonia’s largest-ever benefit concert... Read More ...

Related Items: Macedonia

Classroom-based computers equipped with internet access have served as global gateways for Macedonian studentsLandmark Macedonian Wireless Project Powers Down

Over the past three years, USAID’s Macedonia Connects project (MK Connects) brought free broadband internet to nearly 550 schools throughout the country, made internet affordable to local businesses and individuals... Read More ...

Related Items: Macedonia, Infrastructure

Macedonia's Finance Minister, Trajko Slaveki, and U.S. Ambassador to Moldova, Gillian Milovanovic, at the signing ceremony for a partnership agreement for the implementation of two DCA Loan Portfolio GuaraneesU.S. Introduces $20M Guarantee Program for Macedonia’s SMEs

For the first time, USAID has introduced two Development Credit Authority (DCA) Loan Portfolio Guarantees totalling US$20 million to support the expansion of small and medium enterprises (SME), energy efficiency... Read More ...

Related Items: Macedonia, Business Development

Univerzal Promet leveraged a watermelon glut and specialized business assistance from USAID to break in to the U.K. marketBumper Crop, USAID Support Gives Exporter Entrée To U.K. Market

Dragi Stojmirovski has never seen so many watermelons—it has been a bumper year for the crop in the Balkans. Unfortunately, the resulting glut has led to plummeting melon prices and fruit lays rotting in their fields... Read More ...

Related Items: Macedonia, Business Development

Fire-fighting equipment will help local brigades contain fires which threaten dozens of municipalities, as well as major urban areasU.S. Donation Helps Macedonia Battle Wildfires

The U.S. Government, through USAID’s Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance (OFDA), provided fire-fighting equipment valued at $50,000 to aid the Government of Macedonia (GOM) in responding to extensive wildfires burning... Read More ...

Related Items: Macedonia, Environment

59th Primetime Emmys logoMacedonian Film Studio Credits USAID Support for Emmy Nomination

The Macedonian visual effects studio, FX3X, was nominated for a 2007 Emmy award by the American Academy for Television Arts and Sciences in recognition of the special visual effects the company... Read More ...

Related Items: Macedonia

The Assistant Administrator was a commencement speaker at SEEU's 2007 graduationMenarchik Views Progress on Tour of USAID/Macedonia Projects

Cooperation with the U.S. military and private-public partnership were two major themes of Dr. Douglas Menarchik’s tour of Macedonia, which included visits to projects representing each of USAID/Macedonia’s three strategic objectives... Read More ...

Related Items: Macedonia

Crochet ArtisanArtisans Create International Demand for Macedonian Handicrafts

Spasika Tasevska has been an inspiration and a driving force for a group of 240 women and 34 teenagers from the town of Krusevo in her endeavor to turn her ideas, enthusiasm and entrepreneurial spirit into projects... Read More ...

Related Items: Macedonia, Business Development

USAID volunteers present 6 e-BIZ centers to the US Ambassador to MacedoniaMacedonian Entrepreneurs Create 1,000 New Jobs

Over 1,000 new jobs and an estimated $15 million in additional exports are the result of a USAID-supported project in Macedonia. Six new companies—called “e-BIZ centers”—which provide high tech services... Read More ...

Related Items: Macedonia, Business Development

USAID volunteers working during the education rendezvous at the USAID booth; Starting from the left: Marina Atanasovska, Linda Zejneli, Aleksandra Angelova, Emilija Zaevskaa, Simona Stankovska, Aleksandra Gadzeva, Leonida Penka Basha, Ana Velickovska - students from different high-schools, SkopjeA Marketplace for Education in Macedonia

During the second annual Educational Rendezvous in April, high school students marketed themselves to future employers at Macedonia’s largest recruitment event of its kind... Read More ...

Related Items: Macedonia, Education

USAID e-GOV project intern (Elena Ivanova, student at Faculty for Economics, e-business department) at the USAID joint booth, presenting the work of e-GOV projectUS Pledges Support for Macedonia’s Primary Schools

The American people have pledged to provide funds to upgrade primary education in Macedonia through a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed by USAID/Macedonia Mission Director Patricia Rader... Read More ...

Related Items: Macedonia, Education

Students played an important role in organizing Macedonia's first PACE eventUSAID Initiative Matches Macedonian Grads with Employers

Matching university graduates with professional employment opportunities that require a baccalaureate or higher degree is the goal of a new initiative established by Macedonia’s South East European University (SEEU) with support from USAID... Read More ...

Related Items: Macedonia, Labor Markets

The National Information Tour visited public primary schools in eight cities across MacedoniaPop Star Partners with USAID for Macedonian Schools

In mid-March, USAID’s new Primary Education Project (PEP), a five-year initiative targeted toward all public primary schools in Macedonia, embarked on a National Information Tour that traveled to schools eight cities... Read More ...

Related Items: Macedonia, Education

Patricia Rader sworn in by Ambassador TobiasNew Mission Director Sworn In for Macedonia

On January 17, Randall L. Tobias, Director of Foreign Assistance and the Administrator for the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) administered the oath of office to Patricia Rader, who is now the USAID Mission Director for the Republic of Macedonia... Read More ...

Related Items: Macedonia

USAID E&E Bureau Chief of Staff Brock D. Bierman, second from left, joins President's Volunteer Service Award recipients, from left, Carolyn Miller, Kevin O'Connor, Hank Hubbard and Drew Egan of the Michigan Credit Union LeagueMichigan Credit Union Honored for Macedonia Efforts

Michigan’s generous assistance to the nascent credit union movement in Macedonia has earned five individuals and the Michigan Credit Union League (MCUL) a prestigious national award... Read More ...

Related Items: Macedonia

USAID-developed software has helped to streamline the application process for municipal building permitsMacedonia Modernizes Construction Permit Process

The process for receiving permission to start new construction projects in Macedonia is set to become more streamlined with the distribution of a Construction Permitting Package to all municipalities by USAID... Read More ...

Related Items: Macedonia, Institutional Reform

Nevena Pecijarava uses on technology to create innovative lesson plans for her high school chemistry studentsUSAID Project Changes How Macedonian Teachers View the World

Even though her classes are finished, Nevena Pecijarava, a chemistry teacher at a local high school is still at work. She’s in the computer lab preparing for tomorrow’s class... Read More ...

Related Items: Macedonia, Education

Eliza (on left) with fellow student scientists in GermanyMacedonia’s Young Scientists Look to the Future

Eliza is good at math. She’s also good at science.  So good in fact, that the 16-year-old was selected to travel from her native Macedonia to the International Conference for Young Scientists in Stuttgart, Germany recently... Read More ...

Related Items: Macedonia, Education

Parliamentarian Mingova Krepieva credits her chemistry background for successes in baking and politicsMacedonia’s Women Politicians Stir Things Up

When asked about her extraordinary baking skills, Blagorodna Mingova Krepieva replies with a twinkle in her eye... Read More ...

Related Items: Macedonia, Social Programs

Website enables Macedonians to decide which pension system is best Macedonian Workers Get to Choose: Using Today’s Technology to Plan for Tomorrow’s Retirement

The older we get, the more we worry about our pensions. For most of us, just the thought of sorting out the complexities puts us off... Read More ...

Related Items: Macedonia, Institutional Reform

A USAID Tax Administration Workshop helped the Vrapchiste Municipality create a property tax databaseDoor-to-Door Campaign Doubles Macedonian Municipality’s Tax Base

Little did Mustaf Mustafa know that just a year after finishing his University studies, he’d be in charge of a critical assignment that will have an enormous impact on his community.... Read More ...

Related Items: Macedonia, Institutional Reform

The mayors set out to prove that joint administration can save money (From left to right: Georgi Manushev, Mayor of Bosilovo, Nikola Andov, Mayor of Novo Selo, Slave Hristov, Mayor of Vasilevo)Three Macedonian Mayors Join Forces, Conserve Resources

July 1, 2005 came and went. For Georgi Manushev, the Mayor of Bosilovo, this date represented both an opportunity and one of the biggest challenges he’d ever faced... Read More ...

Related Items: Macedonia, Democracy

Students at Mirko Mileski High School no longer strain to read in dark classroomsIn Macedonia, Democracy Heralds An End to the “Dark Ages”

“The afternoon classes were the most troublesome,” says Aleksandra Chortanoska. “We struggled to see what was written on the blackboard, especially those of us sitting in the back of the class... Read More ...

Related Items: Macedonia, Democracy

Infinite Solutions CEO Slagjan Mihajlovski credits USAID with providing his firm with the confidence to competeYoung Macedonian IT Firms Join Forces to Win Major European Bank Contract

It was a daring move. In September 2005, Infinite Solutions and EuroNetCom, two relatively new Macedonian IT companies, decided to compete for a contract with one of the largest banks in Europe... Read More ...

Related Items: Macedonia, Business Development

From left: Mite Iliev, Bruce Cameron and Bolt MooreU.S. Faith-Based Investors Get Warm Reception in Rural Macedonia

Slave Velesanov isn’t the sort of person who lets opportunities pass him by. As a practicing Minister in Strumica, an agricultural community in the southern part of the Republic of Macedonia... Read More ...

Related Items: Macedonia, Business Development

Dignitaries and seminar participants were joined by scores of SEEU students and faculty to celebrate the Liberty Pavilion dedicationGroundbreaking Democracy Seminar Draws Young Leaders from 17 Countries

"Young politicians should ignore boundaries," says Jay Footlik, a senior U.S. Democratic political advisor. Footlik and senior Republican political advisor Judy Black spent the week of October 23rd in Macedonia... Read More ...

Related Items: Macedonia, Democracy

Sanja Tanchevska, a successful actuary, is among the first professionals Macedonia has produced in this field Macedonia Trains its First Actuaries

When Sanja Tanchevska was pregnant one thought kept going through her mind: “I loved studying mathematics and I want to use my education—I don’t want to be stuck at home.”... Read More ...

Related Items: Macedonia, Education

Firefighter Tane Gorgovski (right) shakes hands with Rizvan Memedovski whose farm was saved thanks to the quick response of the Krivogashtani volunteer fire department Fighting Fires Brings Communities Closer

It was a cloudy afternoon in May when Tane Gorgovski got the call. A large barn was on fire in a small ethnically Albanian village about seven kilometers away from the Krivogashtani volunteer fire department headquarters... Read More ...

Related Items: Macedonia, Social Programs

Dimitar Chavkaraoski (center) discusses tourism brochure with Kosta Mickoski, and a member of the mayor's staff Citizens Help Mountain Village Progress

Economic Development Center helps local groups intent on boosting tourism in one of Macedonia’s prettiest villages... Read More ...

Related Items: Macedonia, Business Development

Ali Mira's sister Kamber and her citizenship documentation Citizenship Opens New World for Macedonia’s Roma

After decades, many Roma are now able to claim their basic rights through citizenship by taking advantage of a temporary legal window of opportunity... Read More ...

Related Items: Macedonia, Democracy

USAID’s Macedonia Connects project equips classrooms with technology for worldwide access Giving Every Macedonian Student a Gateway to the World

Just a little over three years ago the President of Macedonia left for an official visit to China and returned with a promise and a dream: to increase the number of computers available to school children... Read More ...

Related Items: Macedonia, Education

SEEU celebrates success as Macedonia’s first private, multinational and multilingual universityFirst Graduating Class Makes Balkan History

There were over 350 reasons to believe in the future of Macedonia on a recent Saturday. When the first graduating class of South East European University (SEEU)... Read More ...

Related Items: Macedonia, Education

NECC Meeting Private/Public Forum Created To Support Macedonian Entrepreneurs

The NECC was created in 2002 to provide a forum for constructive dialogue between the public and private sectors as a response to the obvious need to provide a place where serious issues facing business... Read More ...

Related Items: Macedonia, Business Development

USAID Provides Aid to Macedonian Artisans

The Aid to Artisans (ATA) project works with artisans and small and medium-sized enterprises in Macedonia to develop local and export markets for traditional and contemporary craft products, thus increasing their incomes and creating employment... Read More ...

Related Items: Macedonia, Business Development

High School Students in front of computersEvery High School in Macedonia Now Has a Computer Lab

(Gevgelija) One year ago, the late President Boris Trajkovski cut the ribbon of the first computer laboratory in Josif Josifovski High School in Gevgelija... Read More ...

Related Items: Macedonia, Education

A local high school being painted Students Show Pride Through School Renovation

For many schools in Macedonia, funds provided by the Ministry of Education are not sufficient to cover necessary maintenance or pay for school improvements... Read More ...

Related Items: Macedonia, Education

Supporting Macedonia's New Cheese Exporters

There are 50,000 people in Macedonian who make their livelihood from sheep, mostly from the sale of lamb and cheese. In general, their standard of living is low, but Macedonians connected with the industry... Read More ...

Related Items: Macedonia, Business Development

Peach Trees Modernizing the Operating Techniques and Equipment in Macedonia

The Dushan Ciric company is one of 40 in a Land O’Lakes program backed by USAID to modernize the operating techniques and equipment of fruit and vegetable producers in Macedonia... Read More ...

Related Items: Macedonia, Business Development

Civic Education: Macedonia's Path to a Civil Society

In September of 1998 Catholic Relief Service Macedonia (CRS), in partnership with the Macedonia Ministry of Education/Bureau of Education Development began implementing the USAID funded Civic Education project... Read More ...

Related Items: Macedonia, Education

Wine & Cheese Festival in Ohrid Delivers Market Feedback for Traditional Macedonian Sheepherders

Macedonian sheepherders use traditional techniques to produce wonderful tasting feta and other sheep cheeses. Although cheese is one of their most profitable income sources, a majority of their production is sold from the farm gate to re-sellers... Read More ...

Related Items: Macedonia, Business Development

Press Releases from USAID/Macedonia's Community Self-Help Initiative

The Community Self Help Initiative is a USAID-funded program in Macedonia that assists communities to plan and implement projects that promote democracy and ethnic harmony, and provide sustainable benefits to their inhabitants. The CSHI helps foster self-determination at the community level and promotes ethnic collaboration through economic development and participatory community planning activities. See the links below for recent examples of CSHI success stories.

USAID Administrator Natsios$25 Million Raised for Balkans Through Public-Private Partnership: Donors Leverage Funds to Solidify Democracy

The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), the German Marshall Fund of the United States (GMF), and the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation are pleased to announce a new $25 million initiative to support good governance in Southeastern Europe. The grant-making effort, called the Balkan Trust for Democracy, is a project of GMF made possible through a public-private partnership between GMF, USAID, and the Mott Foundation. Read More ...

A boy drinks from a water fountain provided by USAIDWater Means Life in Macedonia

Before the Veles water supply project was implemented, the homes of the town’s happy children were at times without water for days at a time, and even when water was available it was usually insufficient due to lack of water pressure in that hilly neighborhood. Read more ...


6 Macedonia education experts at a school in SeattleUSAID Program Brings Macedonia Education Experts to Seattle

Local education experts from Macedonia arrived in Seattle, Washington on December 8 for a week-long study tour to the United States sponsored by the USAID. A team of four education consultants will be visiting Seattle, Washington from December 8 to December 13, 2002 to examine various alternatives in the education sector and to exchange ideas and concepts with educational counterparts in the United States. The team members chosen for this program are all well-known experts in the field of educational reform in Macedonia. Read more ...

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Mon, 04 Aug 2008 17:30:23 -0500