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Retail Food Prices Rise in Third Quarter

Of the 16 items surveyed, 11 increased and five decreased in average price compared to the 2008 second-quarter survey. read more »

Farm Bureau Board Comments on Financial Rescue Package

“Our leaders must stop the partisan politics that have blocked a rescue package...” read more »

Crisis Hikes Farmers’ Costs

The current financial crisis gripping the United States could moderate global and domestic demand for U.S. farm products and intensify an already volatile price situation. read more »

Rural America: Presidential Candidates Want Your Vote

Political experts indicate voters in rural areas of key battleground states could swing the election. read more »

McCain, Obama Respond to AFBF Questionnaire

The American Farm Bureau Federation released the results of its presidential election questionnaire completed by Sens. John McCain and Barack Obama. read more »

Current News
Retail Food Prices Rise in Third Quarter
Statement Regarding Financial Rescue Package
FB: Crisis Hikes Farmers’ Costs, but Sector is Strong
AFBF Concerned COOL Rule Inadequate to Ensure U.S. Label
AFBF: GHG Regulation via Clean Air Act is Wrong Approach
McCain, Obama Respond to AFBF Questionnaire

State Roundup
   County Meeting Will Discuss Oil, Gas Leasing Issues
     -West Virginia Farm Bureau
   Help Needed With Hurricane Ike Relief Efforts
     -Texas Farm Bureau
  Hurricane Gustav in Napoleonville
     -Louisiana Farm Bureau

FB Views
This Election, the Stage is Yours
The time is upon us again…a lot of handshakes, baby hugs and having our airwaves overtaken by “we said, they said,” propaganda. Yes, it’s election season. continue »