King County Volunteer Family Law Settlement Conference Program

Over 100 experienced attorneys specializing in family law offer their services without cost in this court-annexed settlement conference program. Begun in 1997, these attorneys have conducted over 2,000 settlement conferences, assisting low and moderate income families in resolving their cases without the financial and emotional expense of trial.

Although there are no formal limitations, this program is intended to serve those for whom it would be a financial hardship to utilize the many fine mediation and arbitration services available in our community.

Pursuant to the Order Setting Civil Case Schedule and King County Local Rule 16 effective September 1, 2004, parties in civil actions must participate in some form of ADR (alternate dispute resolution) before trial. Those wishing to access the program may contact (206) 205-6770 on Thursdays or Fridays at the Seattle Courthouse and Cindy Geray at (253) 852-2345 Monday through Friday (except 1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.) at the Curran Mendoza firm in Kent, the law firm that administers the program for the Regional Justice Center, donating its office staff and mailing costs.

If you utilize this program, you will receive a letter confirming the date, time and magistrate. The letter will also specify the information you need to provide to the magistrate in advance of your settlement conference. If you resolve your case prior to the scheduled date, please notify the Settlement Conference Program immediately at the above telephone numbers.

Space is available at both courthouses to conduct the settlement conferences, although more than half are conducted in other locations such as attorneys' offices.