Services Available from Family Court Services

Parent Seminar: What About the Children?

‘What About the Children?’ is a seminar for parents with children who are affected by separation, divorce, or on-going parental conflicts. The seminar helps parents:

  • Understand the impact that parental conflict has on the family, especially the children.
  • Learn how to develop or change a parenting plan so that it will focus on the needs of the children.
  • Learn about court procedures and processes.

This seminar may be required of parents with pending family law cases and is available to all parents who want to learn how to minimize the impacts of divorce, separation, and parental conflict on their children.

Parent Seminar Schedule
Seminar Registration Form


When parents disagree on a parenting plan, mediation helps them to resolve the conflict.

  • Mediation is confidential and involves both parents meeting one or more times with a social worker.
  • Parents are encouraged to focus on the needs of their children and put aside the conflicts they have.
  • Each parent has an equal role in decision-making during the mediation process.
  • As a neutral party, the mediator works with the parents to find areas of agreement for the parenting plan.
  • Agreements reached are drafted by the mediator and provided to the parents and/or attorneys.

Mediation services are required for parents who disagree about their parenting plan.  Parents may be ordered to participate in mediation by the court, may be referred to mediation by completing a "Confirmation of Issues" in a family law action, or may request mediation of their existing parenting plans by completing a "Co-Petition for Mediation," available from Family Court Services.  If you will be participating in mediation, you must complete the appropriate Mediation Questionnaire (links below) and send it to the address on the form before your case is assigned to a mediator.  All mediation referrals are screened for appropriateness for service.

Mediation Questionnaire - Seattle
Mediation Questionnaire - Kent

Parenting Plan Evaluation

When mediation is unsuccessful or the Court otherwise orders it, Family Court Services evaluates the needs of children and the ability of each parent to meet the children's needs. In an evaluation:

  • Both parents are interviewed to gain an understanding of their parenting views, concerns, and skills.
  • Additional information may be gathered by observing the parent with the children, talking with the children, home visits, or consulting with other professionals who may have information on the child's needs and the skills of each parent.
  • The parents may be referred to community resources that can help them solve problems or gain new skills that can help them with parenting.
  • The findings and recommendations of the evaluation are reported to parents, their attorneys and the Court.

If your case has been sent to Family Court Services for an evaluation by court order, or if your case has been administratively transferred to Family Court Services, you must complete the appropriate Evaluation Questionnaire (links below) and send it to the address on the form before appearing for your appointment.  Evaluations are only completed for families who have a family law case pending with the Court.

Evaluation Questionnaire - Seattle
Evaluation Questionnaire - Kent

Domestic Violence Assessment

When parenting issues are present in a domestic violence case, the Court may order an assessment by Family Court Services, In a domestic violence assessment:

  • The social worker interviews both parents to assess allegations of domestic violence, risk factors associated with domestic violence, and how those risk factors may impact the children.
  • Additional information may be gathered from other professionals who have information about the domestic violence and by reviewing materials that document concerns about violence and risk factors.
  • The findings and recommendations of the assessment are reported to parents, their attorneys, and the Court.

Domestic Violence Assessments are provided by order of the court when a parent has petitioned for a protection order or when domestic violence issues of an emergency nature are alleged in a pending family law case.  If your case has been ordered to Family Court Services for a Domestic Violence Assessment, you must complete the appropriate Domestic Violence Assessment Questionnaire (links below) and send it to the address on the form or bring it with you to your scheduled Family Court Services appointment.

Domestic Violence Assessment Questionnaire - Seattle
Domestic Violence Assessment Questionnaire - Kent

Review the King County Domestic Violence and Child Maltreatment Coordinated Response Guideline.

Adoption Services

Family Court Services Adoption Services provides the following assistance:

  • General information regarding the adoption process.
  • Completion of the Confirmation of Consent to Adopt with relinquishing birth parents.
  • Non-identifying information about adoptees, birth parents and adoptive parents.
  • Oversight of the Confidential Intermediary Program.
  • Assistance in processing petitions for sealed orders.
  • Assistance to pro ses in finalizing the adoption.
  • Legal forms for adoptions (packets may be purchased in person or by mail).