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Programs and Surveys

July 2008 Sheep and Goat Inventory Survey

The Sheep and Goat Inventory Survey estimates provide an important baseline of national-level herd size. Producers are contacted during the first two weeks of the month and are asked to report the number of breeding and market sheep and goats, lambs and kids born during the previous year, as well as wool production and mohair production. The survey includes approximately 4,600 sheep and goat operations. NASS survey results published in the biannual Sheep and Goat report in July, provide much anticipated information needed to help producers, suppliers, and others determine future volume and develop marketing plans.


July 2008 Cattle Survey

The July Cattle Survey provides the most accurate, up-to-date data on trends and conditions in the cattle industry. The survey measures beef and dairy cattle inventories, calf crop and cattle operations. The July survey includes a sample of nearly 10,000 larger cattle operations. Farm and ranch operators are contacted during the first two weeks of the month. Survey results, published in the biannual Cattle report in July, provide critical information needed to help the industry forecast production and potential demand.


2008 Prices Received Survey

NASS conducts a monthly survey to estimate prices received by farmers and ranchers for grains, oilseeds, pulse crops and major livestock commodities. Each month, commodity buyers are asked to report the prices producers received for the previous month and to provide a preliminary estimate on the current month's price. Depending upon the commodity surveyed, data may be gathered from elevators, buyers, auctions, stockyards, packing plants, processors, canneries, and producers, as well as state boards, marketing cooperatives and grower associations. NASS publishes a monthly Agricultural Prices report and an annual Agricultural Prices Summary.


June 2008 Agricultural Survey

The 2008 June Agricultural Survey (also known as the Crops/Stocks Survey) provides the first clear indication of the potential production and supply of major commodities in the United States for the year. This information is highly anticipated by the entire agricultural community – from producers to international buyers, from elevators to transportation providers, and from processors to policymakers. Beginning the end of May, NASS will contact producers and ask them to provide information on their total acres, acres planted to specific commodities, and quantities of grains and oilseeds stored on-farm. The survey results will be published in a series of reports, including the annual Acreage report and quarterly Grain Stocks report, both to be released on June 30.


June 2008 Area Survey

The June Area Survey reveals the most timely, accurate and useful information on the current condition of U.S. agriculture by providing an in-depth look at land uses and agricultural activities nationwide. During the first two weeks of June, NASS representatives will visit more than 40,000 producers to conduct personal interviews and determine how their land is used. Producers will be asked to provide information on crop acreage, biotech crop acreage, grain stocks, livestock inventory, cash rents and land values, and the value of sales. The information from the June Area Survey will be used extensively by NASS in its ongoing survey and estimation program.


June 2008 Quarterly Hogs & Pigs Survey

The Quarterly Hogs and Pigs Survey provides the latest and most accurate data on conditions and trends in the U.S. pork industry over the course of the year. Data are gathered from pork producers, including contractors, in the 30 largest hog-producing States during June. Producers are asked to provide information on market hogs and breeding stock inventories and farrowing intentions. NASS survey results, published in the USDA’s quarterly Hog and Pig report, provide critical information needed to help producers, feeders, buyers, packers, suppliers and others forecast production, assess potential demand and develop marketing plans.


Last modified: 03/15/08

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