PACJET Planning Workshop

Naval Postgraduate School
Monterey, California

31 August and 1 September, 1999

Room 146, Mechanical Engineering building


Tuesday - 31 August 1999
8:30 AM Refreshments
Session A: CALJET Experience and PACJET Planning
Session Chair: Warren Blier, Science and Operations Officer, NWSFO Monterey, CA
9:00 AM Introduction and meeting objectives
9:05 AM "What was CALJET and what have we learned from it?" (Ralph)
9:25 AM "Can targeted dropsonde deployments improve coastal storm forecasts?" (Toth)
9:45 AM "PACJET: Preliminary plans, candidate observing systems, and status" (Ralph)
10:05 AM "Special PacJet Satellite Products" (Velden)
10:20 AM "Geostationary and Polar Orbiting Satellite Data during PacJet" (Dostalek)
10:35-11:00 AM Break
11:00 AM "RUC2 Mesoscale modeling and data assimilation for PacJet" (Benjamin)
11:15 AM "Quasi-operational mesoscale modeling in California: Application to PacJet" (Miller/Schmidt)
11:30 AM "Sea state prediction with coupled mesoscale models: PacJet as a test bed?" (Wilczak)
11:45 AM "The SAFESEAS Program within NOAA" (Contorno)
12:00 - 1:00 PM Lunch (box lunches are available)
Session B: Illustrate forecast problems and needs
Session Chair: Brad Colman, Science and Operations Officer, NWSFO, Seattle, WA
1:00 PM "The NWS Quantitative Precipitation Forecast Process Assessment" (Reynolds)
1:20 PM "NCEP/Hydrometeorological Prediction Center QPF Skill and its Relationship to Numerical Weather Prediction, Can PacJet Improve the Models?" (Reynolds)
1:40 PM "How CNRFC fits into the QPF process and how we use the QPF" (Rhea/Strem)
2:00 PM "How the Sacramento Flood Control System Works," (Roos)
2:20 PM "NCEP Marine Prediction Center Overview of Operations and Critical Forecast Problems" (Partain)
2:40-3:15 PM Break
3:15 PM "Island-induced cloud bands" San Diego (Small)
3:30 PM "Impacts of Winter Season Pacific Storms on Southern California" Oxnard (Danielson)
3:45 PM "Perspectives from the Hanford NWS Forecast office" (Greiss)
4:00 PM "Winter Hydrometeorological Concerns at WFO Sacramento" (Cunningham)
4:15 PM "Perspectives from the Monterey NWS Forecast Office" (Blier)
4:30 - 5:00 PM Discussion "Needs and opportunities for improvement"
5:00 PM Session B ends for the day. Session B continues Wednesday morning.
Wednesday - 1 September
8:00 AM Refreshments
Session B Continued
Session Chair: Norm Hoffman, Meteorologist In Charge, NWSFO Monterey, CA
8:30 AM "Perspectives from the Eureka NWS Forecast Office" (Nordquist)
8:45 AM "Perspectives from the Medford NWS Forecast Office" (Stavish)
9:00 AM "Perspectives from the Seattle NWS Forecast Office" (Colman)
9:15 AM Tom Maruyama, San Mateo County Emergency Management
9:30 AM Neal O’Haire, California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services, Coastal Region
9:45-10:15 AM Break
Session C: Synthesis and Recommendations

Session Chair: Marty Ralph, NOAA/Environmental Technology Laboratory, Boulder, CO

10:15 AM - 12:00 Noon Discussion

What are the key forecast issues?

What experimental data would be most useful?

How should the data be made available?

Should training be considered just before the experiment?

How to best assess operational impact, both NWP and real-time?

Noon Workshop ends.

ETL | What's New | Seminars | PacJet | Agenda