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Construction Contractors Board


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Statutes and Rules
Administrative Rules
Administrative Rule Notices
The Construction Contractors Board and construction contractors are governed by Oregon State Statutes (ORS) Chapter 701. The statutes change every two years. Oregon legislators vote on and pass statutes.
(ORS) Chapter 701
To view statutes for other agencies, click here.

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Administrative Rules

The CCB adopts Oregon Administrative Rules (OAR's) to carry out the directives in the statute as approved by the Legislature; the chapter assigned to the CCB is (OAR) 812.
The Oregon Attorney General´s Administrative Law Manual defines "rule" to include "directives, standards, regulations or statements of general applicability that implement, interpret or prescribe law or policy or describe the agency´s procedure or practice requirements." ORS 183.310(8) Agencies may adopt, amend, repeal or renumber rules, permanently or temporarily (180 days), using the procedures outlined in the Oregon Attorney General´s Administrative Law Manual.

(OAR) Chapter 812
You may download and print a copy for your use, or you can order a single hard copy from the CCB by calling (503) 378-4621.

To view OAR's for other agencies, click here.

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Administrative Rule Notices
CCB Administrative Rule Filing and Hearing Notices
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